Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Candidates That Support The FairTax


Candidates That Support The FairTax

List the candidates that support the Fair Tax. Make sure to Include the Website for each Candidate

Location: Florida
Members: 19
Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2014

Discussion Forum

Candidates Endorsing the FairTax for 2014 --- List them here!

Started by Jamie Wheeler WA Feb 24, 2014. 0 Replies

Greetings FairTax Supporters,The 2014 campaign trail has begun, help us stay informed by who the candidates are that are endorsing the FairTax! While FTN cannot endorse groups we can keep other informed of who is and that is what this group is all…Continue

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Comment by Mark Schaff on June 27, 2014 at 9:06am

In Maryland:

  Congressman Andy Harris MD 01: Co-sponsor

  Candidate Daniel Bongino MD06 will sign on as a co-sponsor

 Candidate Corrigan Vaugn MD02 will sign as a co-sponsor and is going up against Elijah Cummings

 Candidate Dave Wallace MD08 will sign on as a so-sponsor; up against Chris Van Hollen

Comment by B.J. Guillot on June 26, 2014 at 1:29pm

My name is B.J. Guillot.  I support the FairTax and am running for US Congress in Washington State's 2nd Congressional District as a Republican.

Facebook Page: B.J. Guillot for Congress

Contact info:

B.J. Guillot for Congress

PO Box 359

Marysville WA 98270


Comment by Jim Tomasik on March 31, 2014 at 7:31am

Jim Tomasik for TN State Senate District 31


Comment by Daniel Dyer on June 23, 2013 at 1:25pm

The Fair Tax is the only tax reform that will eliminate the IRS. Go here to see “63 Reasons for the Fair Tax.”

Comment by Marilyn Rickert on July 8, 2012 at 9:21am

Welcome everyone! What a great idea for a group. We are going to need all of your help to get the Fair Tax passed -- both at the state and national level.

Comment by Terry Varner on April 27, 2012 at 12:58pm

My name is Terry Varner and I'm running for the Missouri State Senate, District 3. It covers Ste. Genevieve County, St. Francois, Washington, Iron, Reynolds and the southern half of Jefferson Counties, Missouri. I'm on the Republican ticket and will have a primary race, this August 7th.

I was a Cain 999 plan from the start and changed to the Fair Tax when he ended his campagin. This past tax day, I held a Tax Payers Relief Station in from of the Farmington Post Office and spoke to several hundred tax payers and they each got a Fair Tax hand outs and really believe many are converts to Fair Tax.

Please visit my website www.terryvarner.com or my Facebook Page www.facebook.com/varnerforsenate. I'm a Grassroots Candidate and can also use any help. You can also go to www.campaign1776.com to give your support. Thanks

Comment by Phil Tuttobene on October 9, 2010 at 9:20pm
Thanks to ALL candidates that stand up for the fair tax. Im an independent and strongly believe that the fair tax is the best thing to come along in a long time. I also believe lobbyists and career politicians will fight us tooth and nail to NOT get this passed.
The ONLY way we will get this bill passed is by electing candidates such as these in this group. Those candidates that do NOT publicly support the fair tax can NOT be trusted and should not be voted for regardless of party . The likely hood they will tell you what you want to hear privately and then do something totally different once they are elected is too great.
This recently has happened with Nancy Pelosi and Marco Rubio, the later, I have personal experience with.
I asked Marco Rubio last Sunday evening why he wont debate Alex Snitker and he told me it wasnt up to him it was up to the people that ran the debate. So I called Craig Thompson, the Executive producer of the recent ABC Channel 9 debate and the response was, the three candidates WOULD CANCEL the debate if Alex was allowed to participate.
Thats just wrong people. If the candidate does not publicly support the Fair Tax, they will likely bait and switch on the issue.
Comment by Phil Tuttobene on September 27, 2010 at 8:09pm
George Metcalfe.
Independent Dist 8

Comment by Jerry Fowler on July 21, 2010 at 1:07pm
Apologies I just found this group:

My name is Jerry Fowler and I am a Republican candidate for the U.S House of Representatives for Missouri's 5th District and I am a FairTaxer.

Please visit my campaign web-site by clicking on this link: Jerry Fowler For U.S. House of Representatives, Missouri's 5th Dist...

This is my contact information:

Jerry Fowler
PO Box 12413
Kansas City, MO 64116

Phone: 816-560-2618
Email: jerryfowlerforcongress@gmail.com
Facebook page: Jerry Fowler for U.S. Congress
Comment by Robert A. Mansfield on March 29, 2010 at 7:48am
I Robert Allen Mansfield Independent Candidate for Governor Strongly supports the Fairtax Proposal.


I can be reached on Facebook @ Robert Allen Mansfield both our personal and Our supporter page , we are also on twitter @ mansfieldforpa

Members (19)


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