Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Mission Statement
To generate enthusiasm, give a voice and fund raising assistance to grass root supporters in the FairTax movement throughout the nation, through motorcycle enthusiasts and those who support them. We seek to "Make Some Noise" so that we're heard throughout the USA. We seek to synergize the time, talent and treasure of FairTax grass roots supporters by organizing a financial support system for the great ideas generated by this wonderful group of people to educate their fellow citizens about the FairTax.

How we got here

Mike McLean and his wife, Carol, have been involved with their local FairTax group in western North Carolina for a over a year. In June of 2008, Mike decided to paint his 1997 Heritage Springer Harley-Davidson motorcycle to promote the FairTax. Working with the national FairTax organization, his design was approved and the paint was dry by August, 2008. Like all FairTax supporters, Mike paid the bill to promote his FairTax idea, because FairTax grass roots groups are all self funding. As Mike started using the bike to promote FairTax discussions at biking events, he realized he had an audience already in love with individual freedom. It seemed a natural combination.... economic freedom through FairTax coupled with the freedom of the open road.

Meanwhile, back at the local group, other paths of outreach were discussed as well as the price tag attached to each. Mike's next idea was formed to solve some very basic problems faced by all the grass roots FairTax groups: funding. How can we collect and distribute large amounts of funds promoting the FairTax while operating within our current tax code and FairTax organizational structure? How can we benefit not only our local group, but every group we touch? And how can Mike spend as much time on his bike as possible personally promoting FairTax at the grass roots level?

Meet Mike McLean
Mike McLean has been an engineer in business development in the printing industry for over 30 years, working on projects both here and abroad. In the 80s, he worked in the USSR setting up a factory (seeing socialism at its finest), as well as in China, Brazil and throughout the EU. Mike also owns a small business in rustic furniture. Mike sees how govt involvement affects business and knows that FairTax is the answer for continued prosperity in America. Using his background in business development, he's seeking to create a model for the grass roots FairTax effort to effectively and efficiently move towards passage of the FairTax, recruiting the numbers we need and funding that recruitment, especially in areas where FairTax support is low.

Mike still works full time. He's not looking for another job or funds for himself. His goals are simply to fund GRFR going forward to effectively promote FairTax. One man (and his wife), no matter how committed and self funding cannot do this alone. We have a vision for 2010. The 2010 ride will occur before the next election. With your help, the 2010 ride will visibly bring a tax alternative to the entire country. Imagine 500, or 5000 bikes showing up at the four major rallies being planned and more supporters in cars. We CAN make this happen. The planning has started.
How Our Organization Works

The Grass Roots Freedom Ride is affiliated with NCFairTax.org, a 501c4 under the name of North Carolinians for Fair Taxation, a political non profit registered with state and federal agencies with the ability to collect funds (without tax liability) to promote the FairTax. Donations to us, or any 501c4, are not tax deductible to the donor. Because we are figuratively waging war on the IRS, we want to make sure all funds are collected properly under the current tax code.

NCFairTax.org is one of a handful of state FairTax organizations incorporated into a 501c4. Our goal is support the grass roots efforts for FairTax nationwide, not just in North Carolina. FairTax is a national issue and will only move forward when FairTax support is everywhere. To keep funds collected by the Grass Roots Freedom Ride (GRFR) flowing to grass roots groups outside of North Carolina, Mike formed the GRFR Consortium with the state directors of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia and a few other interested participants, who will be directly responsible for the distribution of funds. The idea is to promote the entire effort nationwide, starting in our own backyard. In 2010, we are working with Americans for Fair Taxation to manage the program on a national level.

How are funds collected? The old-fashioned way, by asking for donations, based on mileage, like a walk-a-thon. The GRFR is simply a vehicle to promote fund raising, with a little fun and excitement. Anyone who rides is welcome to join in for a small entrance donation. If individual riders want to seek donations towards their mileage, they certainly may, with the funds going into the GRFR fund, set up at NCFairTax.org, in compliance with our current tax code, managed by the GRFR consortium.

Our first priority is to collect some working capital so that one man doesn't continue to fund the ongoing rides and fund raising organization, including the website and database. We are purchasing promotional materials in bulk so that funds raised in any area can provide needed materials at a lower cost, giving us all more bang for the buck.

What We Need to Make this happen
We need your support. Just a penny a mile as your investment in this national promotion for visible, real life recruitment. Sign up for the newsletter. Join the National Chapter. Join a ride. Make a pledge and solicit others to pledge. Distribute our brochures to bikers in your area. A little help from a lot of supporters will go a long way (all 48 contiguous states!).

If you'd like to be involved in this effort, contact carol@grassrootsfreedomride.com Let me know your ideas to improve GRFR, or promotional events where you'd like to include us. Our goal is to support the grass roots FairTax effort in every way we can.

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All I can donate is time! luv u guys


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