Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Fair Tax Postcard Push Nation Wide Event ~ April 8th - 22nd

Our goal for this event is to have a massive coordinated mailing of postcards to Presidential candidates and all congressional candidates.
Together we can inundate all politicians and let them know that there are a whole lot of us all over the USA
and they must educate themselves and support the only true tax reform plan available, The FairTax®!
Please make sure that at a minimum your name, city and state is on your postcards, a brief statement why you support the Fair Tax would be a plus.

Postcard options: Make your own, buy your own, order your own, OR Jamie Wheeler, Fair Tax advocate from Washington state, designed 6 postcards, ordered 1000 of... each and you can order those by contacting her and donating through FairTaxNation.com.

We would like for supporters of the Fair Tax to work together across this great land to get these mailed out and plan on them arriving in the candidate's mailboxes during the two weeks surrounding April 15.

Ordering instructions and prices:
In order to coordinate, everyone who wants the Fair Tax designed postcards you need to order your postage paid postcards from Jamie no later than ***Tuesday, March 29.***

Prices: Set of 6 = $3.50 Set of 12 = $7.00 Set of 18 = $10.50
(The price is "cost" & includes price of postcard, postage and shipping)
(you can mix and match the designs in your set(s) or have all 6 of one design, order as many sets as you like)
Thought on how many you might need...
5 Presidential Candidates
1 sitting Rep and any challengers
2 Senators and Senatorial candidates.
You can also plan on continuing to send postcards every month or week from now until the elections in November.

Send Jamie a message via TEXT 509-628-6876, FaceBook or Fair Tax Nation or NoMoreIRS@aol.com with the following FIVE pieces of information:
1) Your Name / 2) Mailing Address / 3) how many sets / 4) which postcard design(s) / 5) how you will be making your donation via Fair Tax Nation .... CHARGE or CHECK (via mail):
Fair Tax Nation / P. O. Box 808 / Oak Forest, IL 60452

Confirmation of your information will be in the same form as you contacted her.

Address them
Write your name, city & state on them
Add a note of support for the Fair Tax
Put them in the mail APRIL 6th through the 8th

Get addresses for the Presidential Candidates campaign (listed below or on FTN's Group: Postcards & Phone Calls Campaign http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/postcards) or for your Representatives/Senators or candidates.

Distribute them to every Fair Tax supporter you know and ask them to address the postcard first & then add a brief note making sure they sign their name, city and state on each postcard.

When candidates see postcards coming in from all over the country by the dozens, they will understand that the Fair Tax is alive and well and we WILL be heard!

Fair Tax Postcard Push Nation Wide can also be done by sharing and posting the postcards on FaceBook, Twitter & Instagram.

On the WEEK of April 15, share one, or all of them to your own page/account with a brief message. Also share to your Congress Persons page or other political action groups if they allow.

Encourage all of your Fair Tax Supporters to do the same. We will only make this happen if we all work together and there is no better time than now!

FairTax is the SOLUTION...can they hear us?
FairTax the ONLY true tax reform that abolishes the IRS.


President & CEO % The Trump Org. / 725 Fifth Ave / New York, NY 10022

Kasich for America / 620 E Broad Street, Ste 2016 / Columbus OH 43215

Cruz for President / PO Box 25384 / Houston TX 77265

Hillary for America / PO Box 5256 / New York NY 10185

Bernie 2016 / PO Box 905 / Burlington VT 05402


Find your Congress Members @ contactingthecongress.org

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