Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


WA FairTax District 04

WELCOME, come here often to see what is happening in our congressional district as well as our local cities & towns!! LOG on often & see the FairTax ON THE MOVE!!!

Members: 267
Latest Activity: May 31, 2015

WA State Congressional District 04 Leadership

Welcome all you FairTax supporters in cong. dist. 04, made up of 8 counties encompassing 349 cities/towns. Please come here often to see what is happening in our district as a whole, in our cities & towns more specficially and see how YOU can make a difference.

Congressional Dist. 04 Representative Dan Newhouse


Yakima Office
402 E. Yakima Avenue, Suite 445
Yakima, WA 98901
(509) 452-3243
Fax: (509) 452-3438

Tri-Cities Office

3100 George Washington Way #135

Richland WA 99354
(509) 713-7374
Fax: (509) 713-7377

Washington, D.C. Office
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5816
Fax: (202) 225-3251



Discussion Forum

Freshman Congressman FIRST time in 20yrs.

Started by Jamie Wheeler WA May 21, 2015. 0 Replies

Events & Discussion

Started by Raymond Clish Oct 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Events & Activites / Tri-Cities & Beyond...

Started by Jamie Wheeler WA Aug 15, 2013. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of WA FairTax District 04 to add comments!

Comment by Derek Bennett on April 8, 2009 at 8:59am
Hi look forwerd to making a difrents
Comment by Jamie Wheeler WA on April 5, 2009 at 11:39pm
HELLO Dist 04 supports. How exciting is this? The other thing is that "hotmail" just closed me down because I had "sooooo many" in my e-mail box to send to. ANOTHER reason the MORE community coordinators the better!! "smaller e-mail lists". SO...Once I contact them all...one, by one, by one I hope they will congregate here for all the latest!!!
LOOK OUT Congressman Hastings...I'm going to be contacting his DC off and his District Director on APRIL 30 so lets get our membership number UP!!
Comment by Tom Brun on April 5, 2009 at 9:29pm
Hi Jamie...getting exciting here...got my daughter in Texas to sign on to FairTaxNation, and many other family and friends are for it. What day is the TeaParty? 4/15? I think I can be there with sign.
Comment by Jamie Wheeler WA on April 5, 2009 at 6:21pm
Tax Day TeaParty in Richland w/a FAIRTAX SOLUTION!!
4-7pm John Dam Plaza come ready to share and inform about the FairTax, because we FTers don't have to protest...we have a solution!
If you have FairTax gear please wear it. I will try to bring signs and literature and things for those who have never heard of the FT to take home. If you are unable to come to please GO TO A POST OFFICE near you!! You can print out the literature found on the main page at the VERY bottom. You can make FairTax signs and if you plan on being at a PostOffice LET me know and I will send you petitions to get filled out!!!

Members (267)


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