Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

At one of our FairTax Meetings the phrase "I don't know how to do that" was said, which lead to the idea for this conference call as a possible help/solution. It is a much better visual when directing/instructing a person while they sit in front of their own computer.

WOULD you be willing to do a "test conference call with me"? I need "5" volunteers.

PLEASE if you DO want to join the conference call state DAYS, TIMES that are best and we'll go with the majority. If there is enough interest I have no problem having these as long as there is an interest.

My goal and desire is that you become familiar with the site and thereby log on more often & also encourage other FairTax supporters you know to also join us here on www.fairtaxnation.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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While I will admit that the FairTax website and message board navigates a bit differently than most, I believe I can get where I need to go. Live chat is out of the question as I am a mediocre keyboarder at best.
If You need a volunteer to help you get the bugs worked out of a conference call system, I'd be happy to help you.


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