Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

For a simpler code
We need a new, simpler tax code to help our country. When our nation's leaders are making $34,000 and $130,000 "innocent mistakes," we have a problem. The FairTax can fix it. (Did our new treasury secretary seriously use Turbo Tax?!)

The U.S. Tax Code, which mandates that we all pay taxes or face prison, has 3.7 million words. A person reading at 200 words per minute needs almost 13 days without stopping to read (comprehend?) it. I don't care how many lawyers or CPAs you hire, there's no way to make sense of something that of size and complexity. Our tax code creates criminal activity where none would otherwise exist. There was nothing illegal about Tom Daschle using someone's limo, until he forgot to claim it on his taxes.

Last year we spent 7.6 billion hours (3,860,000 people working full-time jobs for an entire year) just to figure out how much we owe! Complying with the tax code is a tax in itself. Fortunately, we live in a country where we still (I think) have the power to change things that don't work.

We need to enact the FairTax. The FairTax is a bill before both houses of Congress (HR 25, S 25) that replaces all income, payroll, and other major federal taxes with a national sales tax. Every working person and retiree would receive 100 percent of their paycheck or pension check to spend or save as they choose. Every household would receive a monthly "Prebate" check to make the system progressive. Dramatic reductions in compliance costs and embedded taxes would give U.S. companies a huge advantage in the global economy. We would see unprecedented economic growth and prosperity that is real, not borrowed. This is the economic stimulus plan we should be considering. Much more information is available at www.fairtax.org.

Craig Robertson Wenatchee

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I see where Barack Obama says that we need a tax code that's "fair." There just happens to be one that has $20 million worth of research behind it. It is the most well researched piece of tax reform in history. It also happens to be "fair", that’s why it is called the Fair Tax. But Obama won't accept something like the Fair Tax. Instead he wants more government entitlement programs. He wants to give homeowners a tax credit that covers 10% of the families' mortgage interest payment. He also wants to eliminate income taxes on seniors making under $50,000 a year. And he wants to create a "Making Work Pay" tax credit that gives up to $500 for American workers and $1,000 for working families. You can believe that these payments will be made to people who have absolutely no federal tax burden at all. Its too bad Obama can’t grasp that the only “fair” tax is the one that eliminates the need for credits, deductions and manipulation by the politicians and their lobbyists in Washington.

Dan Suter
West Richland
Wouldn’t it have been great, if some years ago, the Fair Tax had replaced the current income tax code? Tom Daschle would now be Secretary of HHS. I was not amused about the recent federal tax problems of this and other Obama nominees. The chairman of the house ways and means committee has some tax problems as well. One has to wonder how these politicians are ignorant of or avoid the tax regulations they write.
How convenient that their tax problems are said to be the fault of a “tax accountant”. If those tax accountants can’t get it right, how does an ordinary citizen get it right? How may other politicians and lobbyists have similar problems not brought to light?
There is a better option for collecting federal taxes and eliminating non-compliance with the tax code. I refer to the Fair Tax. Information about the Fair Tax can be found at fairtax.org. If after reading about the Fair Tax and realizing some politicians don’t pay “their fair share” of taxes, join me in contacting our representative and senators in support of the Fair Tax bills, HR25 in the House of Representatives and S296 in the U. S. Senate.

Dan Suter
West Richland


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