Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

FairTax vs. Flat Tax

FairTax brings capital gains tax to 0%  vs. Flat Tax keeps capital gains the same.


FairTax brings corporate taxes to 0% vs. Flat Tax keeps corporate taxes the same.

(currently USA has the #1 highest taxes in the world)


FairTax brings gift/estate taxes to 0% vs. Flat Tax keeps gift/estate taxes the same.


FairTax brings individual INCOME taxes to 0% vs. Flat Tax reduces if for a time.


FairTax STOPS taxing our incomes vs. Flat Tax does not.


FairTax brings back anonymity vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax ends the IRS “as we know it” vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax will make the USA the #1 place in the world to locate a business vs. Flat Tax will not.

(currently there is over $13 TRILLION in businesses overseas due to out current high corp. taxes)


FairTax encourages savings vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax will encompass drug dealers, prostitutes & visitors from other countries for revenue for our republic vs. the Flat Tax which will not


FairTax has companion legislation to REPEAL the 16th Amendment vs. Flat Tax which does not


FairTax brings self-employment tax to 0% vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax eliminates class warfare vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax doesn't allow the congress to pick winners and losers via the tax code vs. Flat Tax that will.


FairTax will stop the pitting of individual or groups of Americans against one another vs. Flat Tax which will still enable those in congress to continue to so do.


FairTax 60,000 plus pages of  IRS Tax Code vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax eliminates lobbyists for the revenue side of taxation vs. Flat Tax which does not.


FairTax currently has 64cosponsors + 1 sponsor in the House of the 113th congress vs. Flat Tax has 9.


FairTax currently has 7 cosponsors + 1 sponsor in the Senate of the 113th congress


FairTax has over 106,000 likes on FaceBook vs. Flat Tax 4 groups with approx total of 1,100


FairTax has supporters like Mike Huckabee, Chuck Norris & Neal Bortz behind it vs. Flat Tax who has Dick Armey (lobbyist)


Our country was not founded on taxing one's income like the current system & the flat tax system will do.

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