Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

FairTax DeKalb County, AL


FairTax DeKalb County, AL

We meet on the 4th Monday of each month at Golden Rule BBQ in Fort Payne. 6 PM to eat, 7 PM to meet. ____________________________________________

Website: http://ALFairTax.com/district4/fortpayne.html
Location: DeKalb County, AL
Members: 5
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2010

FairTax DeKalb is Up and Running!

WHO We Are
FairTax DeKalb is a local group of supporters of The FairTax Plan for tax reform, a progressive national sales tax that abolishes personal and corporate income taxes, payroll taxes (FICA), capital gains taxes, gift taxes, and estate taxes.

Activities include: Educating friends and neighbors about The FairTax Plan, advocating its passage by writing letters to our congressmen and newspaper editors, attending tea parties, and proudly displaying our support with t-shirts and bumper stickers.

DeKalb County is located in the northeast corner of Alabama. Local communities include: Fort Payne, Collinsville, Crossville, Dawson, Fyffe, Geraldine, Grove Oak, Hammondville, Henagar, Hopewell, Ider, Lakeview, Mentone, Pine Ridge, Powell, Rainsville, Shiloh, Sylvania, and Valley Head.

WHEN We Meet
We now have a regular meeting on the fourth Monday of each month at The Golden Rule BBQ in Fort Payne (directions and maps). Eatin' at 6 PM, meetin' at 7 PM.

We're closely linked to the Marshall County FairTax group, which meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Outlaw Steakhouse in Guntersville, Alabama. Their meeting starts at 7 PM — or come early for dinner and socializing at 6 PM.

WHY It's Important
The FairTax Plan simplifies the tax code by getting rid of loopholes and exemptions for privileged groups. Because powerful Washington lobbyists object to this loss of special treatment and because many legislators profit from corrupting the current system, we have a big fight ahead. Only an active grassroots movement can bring about the kind of change we need.

HOW To Get Involved
There are so many ways to get involved: From simply signing an on-line petition to organizing a FairTax rally, there's bound to be something that fits your interests, talents, and free time.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of FairTax DeKalb County, AL to add comments!

Comment by Sunny Snaith on December 27, 2009 at 5:29pm

As the year draws to a close,
we pause to review
our accomplishments from the last year
and look forward
to chart our course for the future.


2009 was a very productive year for the FairTax movement, carrying forward the momentum of taxation issues raised in the prior election year:

  • The Tea Parties from the spring and summer drew taxation to the forefront and gave us the perfect forum to present our solution: The FairTax Plan.
  • FairTax events in Missouri and DC showed the world that we are a movement with lots of grassroots support.
  • FairTax Nation has blossomed as a vital network for supporters to discuss, learn, and get involved.
  • FairTax Alabama finished the year with District Directors for all seven of Alabama’s congressional districts and held the first two of the new quarterly leadership meetings.
  • FairTax Alabama District 4 finished the year with seven Community Groups, progressing toward the goal of having one in each county.
  • And our own FairTax DeKalb got off the ground with a new website, regular monthly meetings, and promotional activities.


2010 is shaping up to be a very exciting year, with mid-term elections and rumors of a Value Added Tax opening the door to discuss the FairTax..

Some of my goals for the FairTax DeKalb group include:

  • Continue meeting every month, with more regular attendance.
  • Begin a series of informative talks to equip our members to discuss the FairTax with confidence.
  • Continue recruiting new members from our friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
  • Increase our promotional push in the form of handouts, posters, and local advertising.
  • Find a Membership Director to spearhead these recruiting efforts.
  • Participate in local and regional (and maybe national) Tea Parties.

But these are just my ideas and I welcome yours.

We have one more meeting this year and hope to welcome many new faces from our recent promotions.

Please join us
Monday, December 28th at 6 pm
for dinner and discussion
about the FairTax
at the Golden Rule BBQ
in Fort Payne.

Comment by Sunny Snaith on December 17, 2009 at 12:13pm
We were discussing canceling the December meeting due to poor turnout in November but the Fort Payne Times-Journal finally (after 3 months of trying) got the notice in the paper and several people have shown interest, so:

The December Meeting is On!

December 28, 2009
6 pm to eat, 7 pm to meet

Golden Rule BBQ, Fort Payne

TOPIC: The FairTax is good for Everyone!
Comment by Sunny Snaith on October 17, 2009 at 9:18pm
September's meeting was held at our new location, The Golden Rule BBQ in Fort Payne. It was smaller than last time but full of lively conversation.

I hope everyone will come out to the October 26th meeting.

Dinner at 6 pm, meeting at 7 pm.

Details, Maps, and Directions.
Comment by Judy Swann on September 2, 2009 at 9:31am
Yes, the August meeting was great. Can't wait till the next one.
Comment by Sunny Snaith on August 31, 2009 at 12:16pm
August Surprise!

The August meeting had 17 people, and so was remarkably well attended considering: the venue was chosen a week ahead, the newspaper announcement didn't happen, and everyone who came found out about it by word of mouth.

September Meeting Scheduled

The September 28 meeting will focus on an overview of the FairTax, to bring everyone up to speed. Future meetings will focus on specific features and benefits of the FairTax and on answering common criticisms.

Come out and enjoy Benny's BBQ at 6 pm.
The meeting begins at 7 pm.

Hope to see you there!

Details, Maps, & Directions

RSVP, if you'd like

Members (5)


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