This is the site where the grassroots share ideas, plan events, and work together to pass the FairTax!
We have begun the Grassroots Freedom Ride on June 2 which will be a caravan of motorcycles, trucks and cars that will travel the 48 states educating the public on the FairTax. Check the main page for updates.
We also have 150+ other FairTax groups you may be interested in joining. Just click on the "groups" tab at the top of the main page.
Look for our calendar on the main page with lots of events to attend
Click on our "communication" tab at the top of the page. Here you can find our Forum and Blog pages which are popular areas for sharing FairTax ideas. Don't miss the live chat to meet other FairTaxers or hold your own online meeting.
This site is full of tools you can use to promote the FairTax in your state and across the nation.
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This is the site where the grassroots share ideas, plan events, and work together to pass the FairTax!
We have begun the Grassroots Freedom Ride on June 2 which will be a caravan of motorcycles, trucks and cars that will travel the 48 states educating the public on the FairTax. Check the main page for updates.
We also have 150+ other FairTax groups you may be interested in joining. Just click on the "groups" tab at the top of the main page.
Look for our calendar on the main page with lots of events to attend
Click on our "communication" tab at the top of the page. Here you can find our Forum and Blog pages which are popular areas for sharing FairTax ideas. Don't miss the live chat to meet other FairTaxers or hold your own online meeting.
This site is full of tools you can use to promote the FairTax in your state and across the nation.
Questions? Just ask!
Again Welcome!