Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Diana Higgins
  • Female
  • Peru, IN
  • United States
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Diana Higgins's Friends

  • Larry Schaap
  • Scott Houston
  • Nathan R. Fast
  • Anthony Ruckel
  • anna russell
  • Ryan
  • Charilette Rai Sweeney
  • Carl Holt
  • onemanbandit
  • Charles Sifers
  • Mary Oberle Hubley
  • Justin Bessler
  • Nicholas Hanlon
  • Adrian Messer, Jr.

Diana Higgins's Page

Profile Information

Name or Internet Handle
Diana Higgins
City, Town or County
Peru, IN
State / U.S. Territory
U.S. Congressional District Number
If you twitter, what's your twitter name?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 9:33am on January 29, 2009, Karen Hunter said…
Diana, so nice to meet you also. I love flowers also! I'll try to change my photo to my iris's that I have on ebay. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with. I have lots of time on my hands. Thank you, Karen
At 9:51am on January 27, 2009, Steve Ludwig said…
One thing I hope to do is finish my comments before I press the enter key!!!
I want to do something everyday to promote the FairTax.
I have begun my letter writing campaign to my congressmen.
I have bought several of Boortz's books to give to friends.
I would like to develope a presentation (or have someone else develope it) that we/I could present to service clubs in my/our area. The service clubs represent the leaders (influencers) and they are allways trying to fill programs. We might get a free meal. This could easily be done across the whole country - maybe it's already being done.
I have several other ideas but will save them for a later comment.
At 9:38am on January 27, 2009, Steve Ludwig said…
I have not volunteered yet thru this group but I am quite willing to do so. Some things I have done or plan to do:
At 9:12am on January 27, 2009, Jason Wolf said…
Hi Diana,
I do not currently volunteer for the FairTax in Indiana. I have a sister volunteering in South Carolina, so I hear more about what they are up to than anything!
I have been looking for some way to become more involved - so I would be happy to volunteer if I can be of any help!
Let me know what opportunities are available.
Jason Wolf
At 7:57pm on January 25, 2009, Dr. Bill Smith / Ozark Guru said…
Added your twitter info to the Twitter Group list. Thanks for following the FTN twitter. Now following back! Mine is @arra
At 12:25pm on January 22, 2009, Jim Tomasik said…
Hello Diana,

Welcome to the site. Please join your state group under the 'Groups" tab at the top. We are planning a huge year for the FairTax in 2009 so you came to the right place.

Please invite every FairTax supporter you know to join as well. We want to build an army of supporters as quickly as we can.

Thanks for Joining FairTax Nation!

At 11:07am on January 22, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi Diana!

Welcome to FairTax Nation! Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join us also.

FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.

Marilyn Rickert

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