Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Doug Wakefield
  • Male
  • United States
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Doug Wakefield's Friends

  • Dennis Wms. Easter
  • Keith Reynolds
  • shannon castleman
  • Simon Percival
  • Daar Fisher

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:53pm on March 21, 2009, Simon Percival said…
Thanks for your comments on my blog post. Certainly not implying anyone's fighting a losing battle here. I was simply moved to point out things that could be done to sharpen the weapons up some. We must always remember that preaching to the choir achieves nothing. Having the less-informed become interested; holding their attention ... that's key.

At 1:23pm on March 17, 2009, Daar Fisher said…
Hi Doug , THANK YOU for your thoughtful, affirmative response to my recent Michigan FairTax post. For this movement to gain mass attention, we need to build an army capable of garnering 500,000 Michigander signatures in late 2009 / early 2010 in order to qualify for the 2010 November election. Having a list of over 20,000 members - and growing daily, we are now focusing on developing computer-using members for reasons discussed below.

Spreading the word; becoming a MIFT activist
Your help, in spreading the word to family and friends (nearby or on your social networks) is key to the success that we envision.

You'll soon receive an email with an invitation to join our new private wiki. Don't know what a "wiki" is? Take 4 minutes to view this excellent little video vignette. We are moving to a wiki, over email, because it's...

- permission-based you must "request access"
- a more powerful project-creation and coordination tool
- subscriber-run, "bottom-up" command and control

To recap: Act by spreading the word. When you receive our welcome email, link to our Community Leadership Wiki, where you can volunteer for leadership, or simply participate in Functional Areas support. Thanks to the internet, everyone doing a little can change things!

Together, we will restore a tax system that serves Michigan's workers and businesses, instead of serving politicians and lobbyists.
At 2:57am on March 17, 2009, Daar Fisher said…
Hi Doug , I'm a fellow Michigander who would like to introduce you to, and ask you to JOIN, our quest to restructure Michigan's tax system.
For too long, we Michiganders have been victims of our state legislators using the income tax code for poltical favor-making - enhancing their own power, but making our families and businesses poorer. Most recently, under the much-touted guise of fixing Michigan's tax system, the legislature enacted the Michigan Business Tax. Trouble is, the MBT still remains a gross receipts tax,
levying a tax even if a business isn't profitable - which was the problem with the Single Business Tax it was designed to replace.
The MBT continues to penalize entrepreneurship and productivity, and Michigan is rapidly losing businesses, jobs, and families - daily ! When I learned about the
Michigan FairTax plan, I decided to quit feeling like a victim, and decided to
do something to help change Michigan's economic environment -
and I'd like to invite you to join us! Thousands of us are working hard to get the word out about a
fairer, progressive consumption tax - the
Michigan FairTax.
Our goal is to SCRAP the Michigan income tax because the system is broken. In order to give Michigan voters the power to choose,
we are laying the groundwork for a ballot drive to get the Michigan FairTax on the 2010 general election ballot.
For The Facts- End income tax returns, audits, interest, penalties and 1/2 the lobbyists in Lansing
The Michigan FairTax will both simplify, and stimulate, Michigan's business / jobs climate
in a dramatic and ongoing manner. It will replace the income tax and current sales tax, with a consumption tax (sales tax at point of retail sale) while un-taxing all purchases up to poverty level - this means
no more withholding of state tax from Michigan wage-earners' paychecks. What's more,
every Michigan resident-family will receive a monthly "prebate" check, in amount based on family size (.0975 x $ [ poverty level per family size] ). This will ensure that NO Michigan family will EVEN BEGIN paying the MI FairTax on goods / services unless, or until, they exceed poverty-level spending. Thus,
the MI FairTax rate would effectively be 0% on all monthly family spending up to the monthly poverty level, thereafter it would be 9.75%. A reasonable average effective rate, inferred, would be
about 5.5% (that's
without putting anything away!) Monies placed into savings are not available to spend, and therefore would result in a further effective tax rate reduction.

- - -

~ Become a part of this citizen-based movement! ~

(We seldom email state-wide, generally notifying members nearby to events or initiatives.)

- - -

Under a FairTax system, points of collection will be dramatically reduced (
from millions of individuals
to considerably fewer retailers, many of whom are already collecting sales tax).
With a Michigan FairTax, income tax-- returns, audits, interest, and penalites vanish. Today's prices carry
hidden income and payroll tax compliance costs, ultimately paid by us.
The FairTax will externalize these costs, making them visible. Michigan exporters will then be able to jettison the tax prior to shipment,
making Michigan products more globally competitive. The MI FairTax is NOT applied to non-retail, business-to-business purchases, as this inseparably embeds taxation costs in prices of finished goods and services.

This plan is revenue neutral, as it-- ends "first fruit" wage confiscation, stops the practice of hiding consumer taxes in retail prices, makes the true cost of gov't visible, and properly pays for gov't as we meet personal and family needs. Take action! - JOIN OUR TAX REFORM ARMY to bring Michigan back!

- - -

Made popular by the federal FairTax bill (H.R. 25, which was either co-sponsored or otherwise endorsed by several 2008 presidential candidates), this approach to taxation reaches across the political spectrum

Mike Gravel (
D) -
Mike Huckabee (
R) -
Ron Paul (
Libertarian R)

Why the FairTax idea is right for America's working families.

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff believes that it will take the FairTax to reverse unfunded U.S. gov't obligations, about
$88 trillion and counting !!

At 2:34pm on March 15, 2009, Marilyn Rickert said…
Hi Doug!

Welcome to FairTax Nation!

FairTax Nation a site designed and managed by FairTax volunteers to serve the needs of FairTax advocates by providing a place to share ideas, find resources and create new opportunities with the goal of passing the FairTax HR 25.

On Nation we are working on many projects. One is our 50 State Campaign. We want to link at least 1,000 active volunteers in each state to work together in a national effort to pass the FairTax. That would give us at least 50,000 active volunteers able to communicate, plan events, etc. I know some people want a FairTax rally in Washington D.C. This is how we build the organization to make this event and many others possible.

Please feel free to invite your FairTax friends to join us.

Thank you!
Marilyn Rickert

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