Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Gregory Koch
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Gregory Koch's Friends

  • Robert Williams

Gregory Koch's Discussions

Hi - I wrote an article on the FairTax

Started this discussion. Last reply by Robert Williams May 1, 2012. 5 Replies

Hi - I just joined this website, Robert Williams referred me. I am a student at the University of Connecticut and I am a FairTax supporter. Recently, I wrote an article in our student newspaper, The…Continue


Gregory Koch's Page

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NY-18 (I'm registered at home)
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At 12:31am on October 15, 2013, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Welcome to FTN  Gregory,

Please click on the link & JOIN your STATE GROUP http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/connecticutfairtaix
don't miss out on any emails sent to members of that group. Start networking & brainstorming about the FairTax! It is time to TAKE ACTION education, education, education!
This is the FT Supporter's Social Networking Site please make sure all the FT Supporters you know SIGN UP here. Kick FairTax into HIGH GEAR for 2013!!!
If you're signed in...COME JOIN US IN THE CHAT ROOM MainRoom” Click on the tool bar in the bottom right hand corner that says Main Room. A box will pop up and you can type in the empty box w/the smiley face at the right and begin chatting with anyone and everyone currently logged into FairTaxNation.com Let the Networking Begin!!!
Add your self to the US Map of FairTax suporters : http://tiny.cc/bkyhbw (also found on the “main” page here on FairTaxNation.
Hope to see you here more, THANK YOU for all you are doing to get the word out about the FairTax!  Congress will not do it without us...2012 here we come!!!  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask...a fellow FT Warrior from the desert part of WA State! Goooooo FairTax!!
At 6:33pm on May 1, 2012, Robert Williams said…

Sounds Great Gregory. Say, if you ever need any advice or information on the FairTax, you are welcome to join our Advocacy Group on Facebook. This group is chock full of experts who have been involved in the FairTax since the beginning, including people like Dr. Walby and Dr. Tuerck. It is all FairTax all the time.


At 3:53pm on April 30, 2012, Marilyn Rickert said…
Are you attending the LP convention in NV this week? We have a Fair Tax booth there and we will be broadcasting live from the convention
Fair Tax Time Radio Program
Live every Wednesday
9 - 10 pm ET, 6 - 7 pm PT
Call in number; (619) 393-6478
Link is on the main page in the right column. We have extended the time for a two hour program and we have asked Gary Johnson to join us on air.
If you can not join us in NV I hope you can call into the program.
At 11:05am on April 30, 2012, Marilyn Rickert said…

Hi Gregory!

Thanks for the article, it is a great read and I posted it on my facebook page. I also comented to Hank. We all know him here at FTN. I think all he does is sit at home at look for Fair Tax articles to trash.  Keep up the good writing.


Maybe you can start a Fair Tax group on your campus or in your home location? If you need help in getting started just let me know.




At 11:00am on April 30, 2012, Robert Williams said…

Hi Gregory, I sent you a friend request and mentioned that I would provide you with a few suggestions to help navigate FairTaxNation.

I see that you're currently in CT, but that you're from NY. The following two links will allow you to connect with individuals in either state so that you can meet up or join greassroots events in those areas.

Connecticut CT FairTax

New York NY FairTax

I also noticed that you are on twitter. You should see a follow from TXFairTaxer (that's me) soon. I would appreciate it if you would follow me back. Also, we have a group of Twitterers on FairTaxNation who could also use your support and will also help by following you.

FTN Twitterers!

If you would like to invite others from UCONN, please feel free to do so. I believe everyone here has the ability to create groups, so if you would like to create a group for UCONN Students who Support the FairTax (or whatever you like), you can do so.

And finally, as you're already aware, you are welcome to use our blog system to promote your FairTax articles and gather readers. We also have an Events system here there you can use to promote local events (say, at UCONN) that are either related to the FairTax, or where other FairTaxers in your area may be invited.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Glad to have you here.

- Robert Williams

At 10:49am on April 30, 2012, Marilyn Rickert said…

Welcome to Fair Tax Nation!

This is a group started by Fair Tax supporters as a place to share ideas, plan events, and work together to pass the Fair Tax.

Help us put Fair Tax on the map by adding your name to the map under the "my page" link. This is a new feature to help us find other Fair Tax supporters in our backyard and around the nation. Invite your Fair Tax friends to join us also.

My next stop is to read your article. Thanks!



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