Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Karen N Anderson
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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 2:44am on June 8, 2010, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
From your home...From your phone
JOIN US - Tuesday, June 22nd, 7:30-8:30pm!!
At 12:17am on March 23, 2010, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hello...please help the "FairTax Sunday, April 11 "preparing to storm the hill 4/15" fingerfood potluck be a success! We want to alert the media, but won't if there aren't at least 20 FT Supporters in attendance...please make this possible!
RSVP at this link http://www.fairtaxnation.com/events/operation-fairtax-storming-the
At 8:27pm on July 20, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
A couple reasons it is VERY advantageous to join our STATE and DIST. groups is because then you can be notified of gatherings/alerts/meetings and so on not just locally but state wide!

Have a great week! Gooo FairTax!!!!
At 8:26pm on July 20, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Karen, Welcome…Welcome…Welcome…
GO GET YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS who are FairTax Supporters and meet them here on www.fairtaxnation.com

Thank YOU for joining and know that it is because of you spreading the word about the FairTax that other Americans are made aware of the FairTax Legislation! Now you can help us network at this site where we can network and REALLY gain momentum and get this bill passed!
We KNOW they can pass a bill in less than a month!!!

What is going on with FairTax in our District & locally?
What is going on with the FairTax in our State?

These two questions can be answered by "joining" our State group:
AND our District 04 group
Please help us attain our goal of 1,000 members per state by telling others about www.fairtaxnation.com so they too can SIGN UP and take part in a movement that has legislation POWER TO THE PEOPLE that will better our country!

HELP WA state meet the goal of 1,000 members "for the whole state", better yet lets go for 1,000 PER each of the 9 congressional districts!!!

Together WE WILL make this a reality!!

Goooo FairTax!
At 1:09pm on July 20, 2009, David Shipp said…
Welcome to Fairtax nation. Interesting picture, Are you the one on the ground. In my picture, I'm the one on the shoulders. :)

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