Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Michael McCann
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  • Jamie Wheeler WA

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 5:32am on February 21, 2016, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Just started a new group in hopes to get Presidential Candidates on board the Fair Tax.  GOAL 100 postcards in their mailboxes BEFORE March 1...Super Tuesday. Check it out here:  http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/postcards

At 3:24am on April 28, 2014, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
SAVE & SHARE the DATE and Bring a Friend:
TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014, 7pm
1620 S Union St
Hosted by: FairTax Supporters of Tri-Cities
PLEASE RSVP here on FTN at the link below:
At 12:15am on January 19, 2011, Jessie Willoughby said…

Hi Michael,

I am a new  FairTax Community Coordinator (CC) in Richland and I am excited about the recent growth of FairTax supporters in the Tri-Cities.  We held a “FairTax Take Action” meeting in Kennewick in October with 22 attending and another one in January with 37 attendees.  Our next meetings will be held in February and March.  If you want to attend these meetings, please let me know and I will keep you informed. Have a great  evening!

Jessie Willoughby

At 3:02am on June 27, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
How are you doing these days? I sure hope "much better". I think of you often as I assist an elderly man in Kennewick that lives in a building much the same as yours...infact I've even seen Andrea there. Small world. Take care and zip me a note when you are up & around again.
At 6:36pm on April 7, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
HELLO MICHAEL, COME JOIN ME ...I just created a WA Dist 04 group since we are growing and I want to have Congressman Hastings log on here and see in impressive number of people networking in his district. Here is the link...looking forward to increasing the numbers here in WA state as well as our districts individually!!
There are now 3 community coordinators--2 in Dist. 04 and 1 in 08!!!
HERE's the link for our new group: http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/wadistrict04
Goooo FairTax...Hope all the FairTax supporters you know become members here on FTN & join their state's and local corresponding groups!!! WE THE PEOPLE...there is POWER in OUR NUMBERS!!!
At 1:57am on March 27, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hello Michael, I'm soooo excited about this site and PLEASE you & Bill need to go to this link and join the other Washingtonians that support the FT!
WE THE PEOPLE!! Gooooo FairTax!!!
At 7:23pm on March 21, 2009, Bill Meyer said…
From your photo you look a bit gray!
At 12:48am on March 21, 2009, Bill Meyer said…
Thanks for your comment Michael. This is much like Facebook. A new experience for me.
At 8:59pm on March 16, 2009, Connie Cortesi said…
Thank you. Most people always ask me what zydeco means. I lived in NOLA (New Orleans, LA) for a few years and I love cajun music and cooking too. Orginally from south alabama, but have lived here for 8 years and I love the Pacfic Northwest. Am really looking forward to the fairtax becoming a well know concept. Once it does, I don't think there will be any stopping it!

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