Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Nori Lamphere
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  • Eric Schaller
  • Kira Watson
  • Jamie Wheeler WA

Nori Lamphere's Discussions

Tax reform hearing

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nori Lamphere Nov 19, 2011. 4 Replies


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Onalaska, Lewis County
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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 1:44pm on September 5, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hey Nori, Sorry for the delay in commenting back. I have been a FairTax Supporter since '06 and the ONLY community coordinator on fairtax.org since '07. Thanks to this site WA state now has OVER 7 community coordinators and the ability to network like no other time since I've been a FairTax advocate & volunteer! FairTaxNation to me is the most important as it's focus is ONLY the FairTax...unlike FB, Myspace and the like. But with that being said I think it is important to be on the others to educate those who do not know about the legislation as well as point them to www.fairtaxnation.com.
I too am saddened by the low "joining" in the other districts for WA here on FTN, but please know that I have been an activist for this legislation in my district for 2+yrs. I have held monthly meetings, been on radio, written letters to the editor, been in newspaper articles, sent out letters to friends and still there are less than 300 in the Dist. 04 group.

The biggest challenge is FIRST educating! MOST people in America get the FairTax & the Flat Tax mixed up...if they know anything at all about either!

Please do not lose heart as WA state now has OVER 500 members! That is awesome considering we were at one in Jan. of '09.

Because of FairTaxNation there will be 15 flags sponsored by Washingtonians flying in DC on Sept. 11th's STORM THE HILL!!! Those 15 will then come back to WA and we will have them here to draw attention and educate others!

So great to have you here and truly...I cannot do this by myself. Unless districts have people like yourself that can educate others around them to SIGN UP and join their state groups most don't know FTN or the FairTax Legislation exists! Goooo FairTax!!!
At 10:25am on August 17, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
How'd you hear about Signing up on FairTaxNation?
At 10:24am on August 17, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
FTN FairTaxNation. LOL
That is GREAT, we donate to FT.org as well, but much of my donations now are a direct effort to increase the knowledge amongst Washingtonians!
Goooo FairTax!! Looking forward to keeping in touch with our momentum here in WA and across the US!
At 11:29pm on August 16, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Thank you for the "rah, rah" they are much needed!! I hope the business cards are an idea you can use! I put them in bills I send in, leave them with cashiers at grocery stores, hand to family and friends and co-workers... I look forward to our National Numbers going up because of your word of mouth!
How long have you been a FairTax supporter & how did you find out about FTN?
At 5:36pm on August 16, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
One way to help spread the word is with business cards. You get the first 250 FREE when you order from www.vistaprint.com for wording and card style see this link from my page:
Gooo FairTax!
At 5:33pm on August 16, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Nori, Welcome…Welcome…Welcome…
GO GET YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, and CO-WORKERS who are FairTax Supporters and sign them up here on www.fairtaxnation.com---it doesn't even matter what state they live in or what party they are from the FairTax is an Americans Unite piece of legislation!

Thank YOU for joining and know that it is because of you spreading the word about the FairTax that other Americans are made aware of the FairTax Legislation! Now you can help us network at this site where we can network and REALLY gain momentum and get this bill passed!
We KNOW they can pass a bill in less than a month!!!

Thank you sooo much for joining our state group & your district group! I look forward to having a community coordinator in your group "soon", would you consider it?

Goooo FairTax!!

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