Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

A change in the tax law would save our economy and would collect more money nationwide than the current idiotic plan of spending, currently set forth in our Government. At least with the FTL Everyone pays, whether rich, poor, middle class, illegal, legal, terrorist, or visitor! Everyone would contribute with every purchase. More companies would come back to our country creating a plethora of jobs in the USA. People working multiple jobs would not pay higher taxes, it would be based on their spending. No one could really "not" pay tax! Its a shame the current president prefers to spend, take from hard working Americans, and redistribute the wealth. Wishing Mike Huckabee were President!

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Comment by Jane Haas on February 20, 2009 at 9:09am
Thanks! Do you know Obama now plans to tax people the more they drive, based on Mileage??? I have to drive for my work, i'm on the road all day sometimes! Can we impeach Obama already? lol The more this guy opens his mouth, the more I dislike his policies. I don't understand why they reward bad behavior and make people who work hard pay for it?! He is going to have a LOT of angry people to deal with. The media has built him up to golden boy status, can't wait until they knock him down!
Comment by Jim Bennett on February 20, 2009 at 6:48am
Great points, Jane!
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