Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Here we go again another of President Obama’s appointee’s forgot to pay his taxes. I say forgot because when you are a Liberal you just forget but if you’re not a Liberal it’s tax evasion. He said the tax code is just too difficult to understand and he did not know that he had to pay taxes on certain types of income and then he said he was sorry. Trouble is this time this guy Tom Dassel when he was a Senator helped to write the tax code. High ranking Democrat’s are coming to his defense also stating that the tax code is too difficult to understand and so honest people can make mistakes. Well if he who helped to write the tax code still did not understand what he helped to write what chance do we, the little people have? So Mr. President if as both of these appointee’s and other leading Democrat’s in your own party have said that the tax code is just to difficult don’t you think we then should change it? Well I have a solution for you and them especially since you and they say you’re for the little guy. It is a progressive tax that will help the little guy and put a greater burden on the rich. I think you might have heard of it, it’s called the Fair Tax. Talk about by-partisan support; for you already have many Republicans and Democrat’s who support it, so just stop and think about it for a moment. You see, you then can go and say that you have fulfilled your promise of reducing 95% of everybody’s taxes and that you did it with overwhelming by-partisan support; you would be a hero. Not only that you then can say that you will be giving them the little guy a pre-bate check every month based on how many people in their household but I think you should just leave out the part that everybody will get it even the rich.

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