Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Marilyn Rickert's Comments

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At 6:20am on March 30, 2009, Bob Whigham said…
Great idea. Instead of editing the list can you add a comment in the email apologizing for the duplicate invite and suggesting instead they invite their friends? Also, how would their "friend" status be recorded?
At 7:40pm on March 29, 2009, Brewster Staples said…
Thank you for your message. My only question at this time.......why are we not hearing more on the Glen Beck, Brian and the Judge, Mike Huckebee etc. I have written them so many times, I now just copy........

At 4:42pm on March 29, 2009, micheleking said…
yeah, i have those type things. Like the minute i signed out the other day i saw you were from IL. Then i felt really retarded because i thought you and the other folks were in GA with me.
I lack computer skills. I do want to nag folks from GA & other states. Tried to get in touch with several reps who do not support FairTax, but they were out of my purview and their websites wouldn't allow it. My own GA reps are gung ho on Fairtax so i'm preaching to the choir with them.
I guess what i need is voter registration records, emails of reps that do not support FairTax, other FairTax members emails... I don't know about the voter regist, but it sure seems like we need to be convincing DemSocialist more so than Republocrats.
I don't know what plan B is, but it's my fortune to be up to a plan F or G before i see any luck. In the meantime, i'm practicing computer skills and trying to get to where i was the other day when i found a site that had members from all over. ha, ha. So i got that goin' for me. Probably for the next hour! thanks. adios!
p.s. this is the 2nd time i've sent this. seems like i just sent it to myself. very annoying. sorry.
At 3:31pm on March 29, 2009, Gary said…

Thanks for the welcome. I hope to be able to contribute to the overall advancement of the FairTax cause.

Membership recruitment will certainly be key to our victory.

Thanks again for the contact. Hope to work with you and all the members of the Fairtax Nation to bring about this much needed reform.

Gary L. Wallace
At 5:10pm on March 28, 2009, Ann B Williams said…
Hi, thanks for the comments and the quasi directional "map" for Fair Tax Nation. Thanks to a good friend of mine and his incessant snooping online for "blessed relief", the concept of a fair, simple and transparent taxing system has become a part of our repertoire. We are also a part of the American Tea Party, the New American Revolution, and have been spreading the word about one and all. Just now had time to join FTN. I'm not sure what good I can be toward your goal, as I am one busy designer, but will continue to buttonhole folks who might lend an ear and a hand. Thanks for the welcome!

Bridgewitch --
At 4:58pm on March 28, 2009, lyn williams said…
Thanks for the hello! I've been involed with the FairTax for about 2 years I belong to GA 7th district FairTax which is John Linder's district, we have a very active group here but I am interested in finding out what is going on in other states, by being a members of this group I think that will help me.

I don't know where you are but we are having a Convoy for the FairTax around Atlanta on May 9. We are trying to get everyone to get involed in this, go to Georgia 7th District Fair Tax Meetup for all the info
At 9:25pm on March 27, 2009, micheleking said…
Hey Up! It's cute how ya can leave a comment. I've been kinda doing that very thing on my own. Just viewed RepMicheleBachmannRMinn video on Politico and was going to rant on a blog and plug FairTax. Somewhere i went wrong. I could really use some cheat sheets with names, add's, etc. I also waste a lot of time being computer illiterate so it would help if i could get some help with that. Also, I noticed that I don't want to be hitting the same guys with the same message. Like that last list we got 1 guy shoulda got a thank you not a nag. It took me long to find out what SR503 actually represented. I'm laughing now, but i wasn't then. Looks like a couple-o-kids are game. Dig that Kevin! I'm in Morgan Co, dist25 JohnnyGrant. adios!
At 6:02pm on March 27, 2009, mary said…
i have been sending out the link to my friends
At 5:55pm on March 27, 2009, kevin burnes said…
Thank you
that would be an honor.
i need to know if there is anyone helping in butler county
At 5:52pm on March 27, 2009, Morgan Heasley said…
Thank you and as a fellow citizen hoping to blast the acronym I.R.S off the face of planet Earth; please let me know how I can be of service! =D
At 1:24pm on March 25, 2009, Michael B. Clayton said…
A local ( about 50 min.)event I hope you know about.
Quincy Tax Day Tea Party, Quincy, IL.
April 04, 2009 at Clat Adams Bicentennial Park (riverfront) 1pm
Hope the Fairtax will have a presence there. I was looking on-line for a poster or sign and just for one event I thought 15.99 + 6 or 7 for postage was too high. Will Fairtax have a booth or something ?? To share info and possibly sell signs & posters ?? I know Quincy has a local (7) CBS & (10) NBC network TV stations and that there will be some coverage. Hope this provides you with info ,IF you didn't already know about this.
Michael B. Clayton
At 7:31pm on March 22, 2009, Bill Meyer said…
Thank you for you comments Marilyn. Unfortunately, to get the Congress to pass legislation to help the American people one has to bribe them.

AIG executives paid Dodd over $100,000 in 2007 & 2008 in contributions to his presidential bid for office. In return, he added to the bailout legislation, permission for AIG to compensate its executives, some say, to the tune of 218 million dollars.

If enough Fair Tax members could donate to a "Congressional Bribery Fund", then Fair Tax might have a chance at getting their Bills, at least brought up in Congress. I don't know how much it would take but I am sure insiders could give you an educated guess.

Americans better become aware that this country is not even close to being a democracy. Neither the President nor Congress care what the people want or even what is best for the entire Country.

The IRS, like the Federal Reserve are entrenched in the fabric of a fascist government that works 100% for its Special Interest contributors almost ensuring their re-election. We have a hard row to hoe, but I hope Americans, in greater numbers, will get involved and become active in saving this once great Republic.
Thank you for your efforts.
At 10:38pm on March 21, 2009, Ross Hudson said…
Thanks for the note, Marilyn. Keep up the great work. I'll be doing what I can along the way.
At 9:20pm on March 21, 2009, Charlie Prochaska said…
Thank you for the congrads. our work will not stop until we get this FairTax implemented. We have our Save The Nation petition drive for April 15th Post office and Leesburg Ga Tea Party, April 14th FairTax Rally Meeting for north Fla and South Ga. in Thomasville Ga with at least 1000 people in attendance. May 8th and 9th FairTax Convoy and Motorcade in Atlanta area, We are doing all we can. Thanks for all FairTaxNation are doing as well
At 5:51pm on March 21, 2009, Charlie Prochaska said…
I like to share with all of you as we are all working to change the way we are taxed.
FairTaxSOWEGA has reached a mile stone in 4 months as we had first Fla. Whip Party implement our website with theirs and second we hit 1000 followers on our twitter site . This means we three website spurs have affected 4000 people who want change in our government in how we are taxed. Thanks for your group in all you are doing to get the word out and know you have another FairTax group reaching out too.
At 1:06pm on March 20, 2009, Judith Stall said…
Marilyn, just thought you might find useful this comment I posted when I signed the petition being sent to the President on April 15th:
Mr. President,
You must understand The FairTax first in order to support it, not by taking the word of politicians, but by listening to 100 economists who intelligently developed this plan more than a dozen years ago and have stood by it to this day. Taxation is not a dirty word. We need taxes to pay for the costs of running our country properly, including your salary, and keeping us safe, free, and prosperous. The fairest way to do this is by implementing The FairTax instead of the current Income Tax system. Our petition here gives you the basics, but it leaves out another significant issue: no amount of tax breaks for the poor or tax increases for the rich will ever collect from the billions of dollars in the underground economy or aliens who never pay taxes. Under The FairTax, their purchases will bring in millions of dollars in tax revenue but will not entitle them to a prebate that all law-abiding citizens will receive. Now, THAT's fair!!!
At 12:14pm on March 20, 2009, Judith Stall said…
A pro-family organization is planning TEA parties nationwide on April 15 -- but the events, designed to send a strong message to the White House and Congress, won't be sit-down affairs. The rallies are called Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties that will be held in 1,000 cities across the nation. People are being asked to gather at their city hall during the lunch hour on Tax Day. Similar gatherings have taken place in cities across the U.S., as tens of thousands have turned out to protest wasteful government spending and President Barack Obama's "stimulus" package. (See related video report on anti-bailout demonstrations) Go to http://www.teapartyday.com/ to get involved. We need as many FairTax workers as possible to go and distribute info about The FairTax at their city halls on tax day. Please get the word out, Marilyn. Thanks.
At 1:36pm on March 19, 2009, Todd Busswitz said…
Im not sure if you know it yet, but there is a grassroots fairtaxmn.org site. I am the 2nd District Director for MN movement. We are in constant contact with the National Leadership and any donations come straight back to the State. Our State Director has been in contact with Gov Pawlenty and other congressman and we are in the process of organizing things for a big push. We are currently working on raising money for an independent study just for MN to show how it would benefit the state and what rate would be needed.

Please contact me at buzzer12sfc@yahoo.com

Todd Busswitz
At 9:11pm on March 18, 2009, Pauline Pechnik said…
Hello Marilyn.

Floyd Zabel from Nebraska asked me to talk with you a while ago. You called and left a message. My apologies for not getting back with you.

I will happily support what I can. As everyone dedicated to this idea and try to send it to all of my contacts. Thank you for sending the note.
At 7:51pm on March 18, 2009, Larry Wood said…
I just joined the CT group and offered my presentation for the April 15th tea party in Hartford.

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