Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

It appears that one of the biggest roadblocks to passage of the FairTax, other than Pelosi, Reid and Obama, is Charlie Rangel. If I am wrong, please let me know and accept my apologies. The FairTax.org site indicates rangel is against. He writes our tax laws. He is also under investigation for tax evasion and ethics violations. He was also not removed as Chairman of Ways & Means even while under investigation. He also gave campaign contributions to the Representatives responsible for investigating him. If all this is true, how do we apply enough pressure to at least have him step aside until the investigation is complete? Thoughts?

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Actually, Congressman Linder's email message goes beyond just his reelection campaign. I have posted the text of his entire email here - take note of the text I have put in bold. I have made some very minor editing changes and included the link to his page where you can make a contribution if you so desire... Does anyone know how to do this easier? How can I copy an email other than "cut and paste"?

This is your John Linder newsletter.

We Must Work Together To Seize This Opportunity

Dear Friends,

I am appealing to you because we share a dream. The FairTax. This is an appeal for funds to further that dream. If appeals for donations offend you, this would be a good time to delete this email. If you bear with me, though, I know that you will see the urgency of my call.

You and I have been working to get rid of the IRS and all taxes on income for over 10 years. We have not failed. There are now energetic FairTax volunteer organizations in all 50 states. At every political stop, members of Congress are asked to support the FairTax. We will have candidates running for president in 2012 who will run on the FairTax. We knew, over a decade ago, that we had to move the people first and they will move the politicians. Did you really believe when you first heard about that FairTax that it would one day be known by every national politician? Congratulations! That is one of many mile markers that we have passed by.

Let me now share with you where I see our next big measure and challenge but first a little background and history. I was in Congress in 1993 and 1994 when we began to sense the mood of the people for huge change. Interestingly, it all began with conservative victories in the governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey.

We watched a president who ran as a centrist move dramatically to the Left. We saw the discomfort he created for the more moderate Democrats. I sense it happening again. The stimulus measures, energy tax, health care and a host of other big government proposals have created much anxiety in our country.

I think it is an even bet that Republicans will regain the majority in the House in 2010. When that happens I will become chairman of the subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee responsible for fundamental tax reform. I know exactly where I intend to go with that!

As you know, the FairTax isn't a Republican issue. It resonates with freedom-loving Americans in all political parties. The common sense that is the FairTax has strong support from Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, and more. But the current leadership in Congress sits much too far to the left to be open to the idea. As a result, I need your support so that I can pay for campaigning with, and contributing to, every Congressional candidate challenger who can help to topple today's leadership. I intend to put the FairTax front and center in that effort. You and I and millions more FairTaxers across the nation can make a difference in this election.

I have a political action committee, Linder for Congress. If each of you who have finished reading this message sent just $20 to Linder for Congress at P.O. Box 4026 Duluth, GA 30096, we would have enough to meet our goal. If you can act now, save the stamp and click here (http://johnlinder.com/contributenow.asp) to contribute online using your credit card.

Of course, not everyone will be able to contribute so if you can do more please do so. Simply log on to http://www.johnlinder.com or make a check out to Linder for Congress and drop it in the mail. I have never made an appeal such as this before, but I have never seen such an opportune moment to make a difference. Please don't let it go to waste. Please join me with your contribution, and I promise you that we will make a difference.

John Linder

P.S. If you are persuaded by both the merit and urgency of this message, consider forwarding this to your address book with a personal message from you. It could create a dramatic effect, and it is in your hands.

COPYRIGHT 2008 | John Linder - U.S. Congress | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

You are subscribed to email updates from John Linder - U.S. Congress

Authorized and paid for by Linder for Congress. Not printed at Government or Taxpayers expense. Individual contributions are limited to $2,300 per election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal tax purposes. Federal law requires Linder for Congress to make our best effort to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for individuals contributing in excess of $200 per calendar year.
I will see how many residents to WA I can get to support a rep from GA.

Given all the problems that Charlie has run into lately, I would be willing to bet that even he would be relieved to see the IRS disappear. I've heard that he actually likes the FairTax, but his hands are tied by Queen Nancy and can't do anything to move it forward.
Brian Baird came out in partial support of the FairTax. That has to fly in the face of Her Highness, Queen Pelosi. If he can, why not Rangel. Do I detect a split in the ranks?

PS It would be great if every member of this site gave Linder a few bucks. That would be amazing. I know I will give him the max and will cajole all my friends into doing the same.
To answer the question of Mr. Linder's seat being challenged.....I know that in 2010 ALL 435 seats are up for election.

As to which seats have credible challenges, I am not sure. I am in favor of the GOOOH system and would like to see the House back in the hands of Americans. In doing so, I know there could be many co-sponsors that would be in danger. I wish Mr. Linder all the best in his quest for re-election.

As far as Rangle, I had read that he had his own tax plan agenda. I did not know he would be a PRO- FAIR TAXER! But if so....that proves that the Party's control the politicians and therefore control America.
Well now, let me back-paddle here just a little.

I did not mean to imply that Charlie was pro FairTax, only that he likes the idea.

As for Congressman Linder, I believe his seat in Congress is considered "safe".

I've been contemplating this GOOOH thing, and while I really do like the concept, I'm not totally convinced it will get us where we want to GOOOH (pardon the pun). The big problem I have with it is that it does not guarantee change. As I understand it, the final decision of who will run for office rests entirely on the shoulders on the people of any given district (as it should be), but just what keeps the likes of Queen Nancy and others from liberal districts from being selected as the candidate of choice? I'm willing to accept the idea that the Reids, floozy's and the like will not be selected - but I think that liberal candidates will still be selected from liberal districts and the make-up of the Congress will remain essentially the same - except we might have a bunch of new liberals. - My 3 cents.
yes, you are right that each district may select the same values as we have now. But they will hold to the promise to serve only 1 term. It will make the House of reps what it should be and therefore our work will not be in vain as we sometimes feel like. The PEOPLE will be properly represented instead of the PARTY's that rule.
If we can truly make a grassroots reality, this would be the ideal way.

Sorry if I mis-understood the Rangle stance on tax.

I would think that Linder would be safe, but my fear is that Rangle, & Pelosi may be too, just because of their constituents may vote the same as always.
So that means that we can expect a new liberal every two years? Again, I really do like the concept, but I can't help thinking it is flawed.

If nothing else it will at least get rid of all of those career politicians who have overstayed their welcome by at least 20 years. Can you say "Barney Frank"?
Want of change is what got us to where we are now. Be careful what you wish for.
Another 2 cents worth.
can you imagine what the parties will say about having to deal with a House of Reps that are not affiliated with either of them? They lose power without controlling the House. So what if there are liberals there every 2 years! The point is that they will be Americans and not Dems or Reps
I have been in favor of other viable parties for a long time. I hope GOOOH gets some traction. I joined.

We need to be careful.,,,politicians will start grabbing at things as they go down....just because they may jump onboard now does not mean they will stay onboard.

FairTax has been out there for years....if they haven't supported it by now then I don't believe they will legitimately support it coming up.
As far as I'm concerned Rangel can jump on right now all he wants....the fact remains he is a crook that would be in jail would he not be a politician.

Just my $0.02 ;)


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