Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Some one needs to log into this site and correct their major misconceptions


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> I went on and left a short reply-invitation for anyone who wants clarifications. This is a typical drive by media response to the FairTax, and is one of our biggest challenges. In writing articles of this type brevity ensures that the truth isn't given. It is an A.P. article with no author credited so we don't know who to respond to there.
What a crappy piece of journalism.

Ok I registered and left comments.
Most of the people just don't know the full details and thus need educating.

If you ever see these kinds of stories with these kinds of comments....address it!!
These people obviously are looking for details and need the right ones :)
thanks for following up on that! I am not at one of my own computers and with out Roboform I do not know how to fill out forms to register

I think, A link to the facts so people who are interested can find details


and a mention that the author of the article doesn't even feel confident or knowledgeable enough to have a bi line would do more than trying to discuss this farce.

I appreciate the fact that you care enough to have spent the time on this.
> I found a name for the AP writer yesterday, it's Chris something. I tried to find a contact for him/her, but was not able. Does anyone know how to email writers at AP? Also it appears this is a truncated version of a larger article. I found a couple versions but none are much more comprehensive.
So for those of you who were at the rally....was that the best parking or what?!?!?!?!?
Tony, were you there?! So was I. I wish we could have met. There were several of us there from OH, including Steve Curtis, our state director. Don't know about parking since we were in an RV in a campground and walked right over. I learned a lot from the morning meeting of Fair Tax leadership.

Admittedly, there were some speakers that I felt were a little too partisan for my taste. That said, I loved Kevin Jackson and went so far as to get my picture taken with him! I applaud Jessica Wexler and I believe it's very important for FairTaxers to heed her words.

Would have liked to have seen higher attendance, however, I'm thrilled with what we had.

I guess sometime we'll have to wear name and state stickers so we'll all have the chance to meet one another at these events.
I neglected to mention that I was really impressed with the immigrant from Ecuador. His speech was dynamic! I don't recall his name though I did thank him personally and expressed my gratitude for his citizenship in our beloved country.
Yep I was there at 6am and volunteered to help park.
If anyone was parked by the guys in the yellow vests....that was me and a few others.
I also jumped on the merchandise table about 4-5pm and was pushing everything under the sun to anyone stood close by :)

Got to see the Boortz speech as well as the end of Joe and listen to Herman over the PA system.
I'm not sure why attendance was lower than expected, but it was still great and I had a great time!!


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