Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

IRS 2 enforce the individual federal health insurance mandate...IT IS TIME

to Pass the FAIRTAX legislation!!!

This is another reason & item for talking about with others! It is time to get rid of the 67,000 pages of tax code and ONLY the FairTax Legislation is going to doso!!!

If this is not a reason to get on board for the FAIRTAX STORM the HILL on April 15, 2009? FairTax Storming the hill in DC and in EVERY STATE in the US...Stay tuned to the FairTax Storms the hill on how YOU can help intensify the storm from your home, city, state capital and DC!!! YES WE CAN!!!

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Not everyone can make it to DC on Apr 15th.....how's about we organize rallies on the state level at the state tax offices too?
Tony...we are...but it cracks me up that you posted such a comment on this disscussion. LOL gooooo FairTax!!!
Hi Tony!

I was just wondering if you could give me any idea at all about how well the PSA's in OK were doing?

Do you have any way to measure their success? For example, has OK FairTax (Nation or otherwise) seen a significant increase in activity (either through new memberships or additional meeting attendance and/or volunteerism or at least an increased call volume?).

Any information you can provide would be helpful.

I have a few ideas about what can be done on 4/15 for those who cannot make it to DC....

My ideas for the state level focus on two things...
1. Getting as many as we can to sign one of two partitions...
A) a partition to encourage a Congressional Representative or Senator to Co-sponsor their corresponding FairTax bill.
B) a partition thanking a Congressional Representative or Senator for their being a Co-sponsor of their corresponding FairTax bill and urging them to do more to ensure the passage of the FairTax.
These partitions would then be delivered during the "Storm the Hill" event on 4/15/10 - preferably by citizens of the members district.

2. Forget state capitols for now (we can always go there when the time comes for them to ratify the repeal of the 16th amendment; lest we forget - state houses have no control over Congress); instead, for those that can't make it to DC, I suggest they go to their Congressperson's local office and stage a rally there - I think this will reinforce the efforts in DC.

Your thoughts and ideas would be appreciated.

I hope you are referring to getting petitions signed, as partitions are what they build cubicles with in an office area. Might be a little hard to deliver those.
Hmm, gee, obviously my spell checker doesn't find all of my stupid errors.

So, as Joe has pointed out (tongue in cheek), wherever I said "partition", I meant petition.

Hehe, but I do have to wonder about the logistics of delivering signed partitions :)

Thanks Joe!
We need to collect all the ideas together in one thread... this is getting a little scattered, maybe.
The whole point of this post is that the IRS is OUT OF CONTROL! LOL! They're not going to be reasonable. They're taking the tax code like it is a sledge hammer and hammering the American people over the head with it!

Ouch! They're not gonna stop their nonsense until we demand they throw that old stinkin' tax code out once and for all! Are they for real? Fine people for not having health insurance? Does the word "Gestapo" ring any bells?
> Deborah, I so much agree, see my post on Huck*Pac this has to be stopped.
Cary and Deborah,

How many Huck Pac people do we have on this site? We need you all to huddle up for a head count if possible. FTN needs your help with something.
> Jim
I'm not sure how many, but I'll ask around.


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