Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Ready for FairTax

Are you tired of trying to figure out which tax forms to use, which deductions apply to you, the stress of doing it accurately to avoid penalities? Answer "yes" and the FairTax is for you!
The FairTax would eliminate taxing of our income and replace it with a federal consumption tax. Say goodbye to stress over tax time, the IRS, tax forms, filing deadlines, piles of receipts, payroll tax, income tax, gift tax, death tax, capital gains tax (just for starts). Those will all become a thing of the past when FairTax is passed.
This reform would put the moneys being removed for FICA, Medicare, Fed withholding back into your paycheck every month.
To learn more, read The FairTax Book (Neal Boortz), call 1-800-FAIRTAX, go to www.FAIRTAX.org and for MySpacers the FairTax Friends list is 1,800 strong and growing with FAIRTAX advocates from all over the U.S. To network "now" in Washington, e-mail Jamie (and I gave my e-mail which is no longer current). [for FairTax Supporters www.fairtaxnation.com is 5,000 strong and growing with FairTax activists & advocates from all over the U.S. Sign Up on www.fairtaxnation.com and join your state's group, have friends, chat, e-mail and much more!!!]
Contact your U.S. House representative, sign a petition, find out which (2008) 2010 candidates support the FairTax. You'll be glad you did. Americans for Fair Taxation.

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Jamie, please critque this letter and tell me what you think. I don't want to send it until I have some feedback. Everyone, your valuable feedback is appreciated.

Dear Editor,

One would think that working on increasing revenue rather than working on how to spend revenue we don't have would be of utmost importance to our federal government. Rather than roll out the red carpet to welcome outsourced jobs back home, our government wishes to penalize them some more. They were penalized enough by our tax code - that's why they left in the first place. Rather than put out the welcome mat for over 10 trillion outsourced dollars in offshore tax havens, they wish to use even more money, that we don't have, to chase those dollars down.

For the life of me I cannot make sense of this.

There is a perfectly viable and thoroughly researched tax reform bill languishing in the House Ways and Means Committee right now. Ways and Means is too busy working on plans to spend our money rather than working on any real measures to increase revenue. That seems a little backwards and counterproductive to me.

Our tax code has, in large part, contributed to our present economic crisis. See "INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND
Debt Bias and Other Distortions: Crisis-Related Issues in Tax Policy
Prepared by the Fiscal Affairs Department
Approved by Carlo Cottarelli
June 12, 2009
Executive Summary".

When I read documents such as these, when I find that we spend 6,000,000,000 man hours annually to comply with our tax code, spend, approx. $350,000,000,000. on the IRS to collect taxes and yet they fail to collect another $250,000,000,000. due to fraud and error, I could spit nails. Add those numbers up folks. These are annual figures. What people don't know about our tax code and what it's doing to us and not for us, is shocking and it's hurting each and every one of us. So shocking, in fact, that a group of citizens got together after a business meeting one day back in the 1990s and wondered what could be done since they discovered that 80% of that meeting was spent discussing tax implications of their future business plans. They spent over $20,000,000. to fund research for a viable option to our present tax code. They succeeded. It became the most researched tax plan in history. The Fair Tax Plan, HR 25 / S 296 was conceived. Economists such as Dale Jorgensen of Harvard and Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University, and many others, scrutinized and adjusted until the plan was indeed, workable and productive. Even those economists that are detractors of the Fair Tax admit that it's far more productive and viable than the leviathan beast of burden known as income / withholding tax.

Under the Fair Tax Plan, income and withholding taxes are completely eliminated by repealing the 16th Amendment, and replaced with a flat conumption tax. (not added on top of current prices, as some will try to tell you) Lobbyists, of course, hate this idea - 34,000+ of them work hard every day to create new loopholes that favor special interests, not you. Those politicians benefitting from funds from lobbyists aren't particularly fond of the idea, either.

With the Fair Tax Plan, 90% of tax collection and compliance costs are eliminated. That means that 90% of 350,000,000,000 dollars can be put to more productive and effective use. That means that 300,000,000,000 dollars spent in tax compliance and preparation is eliminated, again to be used more productively. That means that 80% of revenue that the IRS fails to collect is collected. And 6,000,000,000 wasted man hours? Gone - only to be used more productively. Now add those numbers up, folks.

Another benefit is that outsourced jobs are welcomed back into the U.S. Already 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs are committed to coming back under this plan. Other corporations have committed to building subsidiaries here in the states. These are just the ones we know of. The U.S. becomes the place for the world to to do business.

Offshore tax havens? The welcome home mat is put out, without spending one red cent. Trillions would pour back into the states within months. We become the world's tax haven.

I don't know about you but the Fair Tax sounds suspiciously like real economic stimulus to me. It bears repeating that wealth comes from the private sector, not the federal government. Please tell me that our elected officials aren't more committed to lobbyists than they are to our nation.

There are many other benefits to enacting HR 25 such as Social Security and Medicare solvency, positive impact on the health care industry, 30% to 50% take home pay in your paychecks, allows small businesses to flourish, and much more. Perfect? No. Transparent, fair, viable, productive, revenue neutral and playing no favorites, increases prosperity in the USA? Absolutely.

If it sounds too good to be true, trust me, I once thought so, too. I believed the naysayers. I would hear conflicting reports and opinions. Then I did the research and discovered that those naysayers were giving me innaccurate information. They either hadn't done their homework or favored special interest groups.

While reforming the tax system with the Fair Tax doesn't do a thing to stop government spending, it certainly boosts the economy for the nation and each and every on of you personally. The spending? For me, that's an ongoing process at this time. I don't hesitate to contact our senators and congressmen regarding spending bills.

Getting the Fair Tax passed is an uphill battle, however it is attainable. One by one, Americans for Fair Taxation volunteers are winning the skirmishes along the way, adding four or five new cosponsors of HR 25 /S 296 in the house and senate in just the last two months. Individual states are now vying for which one will be first to adopt a version of Fair Tax to replace their current method of state taxation. (wouldn't you just love to see that death tax gone?!)

Americans for Fair Taxation is a non partisan, not for profit organization dedicated to seeing this bill enacted. For more information, go to FairTax.org and FairTaxNation.com. Read "The Fair Tax Book" and "Fair Tax: The Truth". These sites and books will give you thorough, detailed, and factual information and analysis. FactCheck.org does not with regards to this issue. Senator Sherrod Brown's office informed me that he hinges his non support of the Fair Tax on information gleaned from there. How insulting. FactCheck is woefully inadequate and misinformed regarding this issue.

Other country's candidates have expressed interest in learning about the Fair Tax. AFFT has declined to meet with them. The first country to adopt this plan, wins. It darn well better be the USA. I expect nothing less. And Thomas Jefferson would be proud!
Well.....once again a resolution to a HUGE problem is put forth that so many people in power refuse to take note on.

Very well written, its to the point and as clear as its going to get.
I think if they don't get the point from this.....then we're in worse shape than I think we are.

Send it and send it now ):
Sorry Nancy, Just at a glance he is too long. See if you can use old trick my teacher gave me: "5X5"=5 paragraphs, of 5 sentences each. Each sentence tells a story unto itself.

Perhaps break it up into several letters: Personal feelings in 1, Facts-n-figs in another. & NOBODY UNDERSTANDS a Trillion. A big WHOOSH over my head. Think of available space on paper. Miss Jamie has skills w/ this issue I am sure.

Wish I had a good doc thing. I'd pull it off here & see what I think. But to do that will take a while. THX
Thanx, Tony. I'm never sure about my letters. In the future, I'll keep my letters shorter when writing to the editor, and not try to cram so much info in. However, since the newspaper likes it, it turns out they may use it as a guest column. Pray that happens! In the future, I'll also consider the demographics when forming a letter.

Do you think this letter might appeal to business owners?
I might very well use your letter for a business owner! I'd call a local business to find out the owner's name. Then write him the letter and end my letter with looking forward to hearing from you if you want to learn more or how to get involved to make this happen.

You should keep a record of who you sent them to and who you have made follow up calls with and who have called you.

Keep up the good work!! I find that I get excited and get too wordy, but honestly I had one very wordy rant I sent to the editor and they published it!

Gooo FairTax!
Thanks for sharing Nancy!
I do the same thing, Jamie! I take off on a manic rant because I want to extole all the virtues of Fair Tax. I forget to KISS so as not to lose the attention of the reader.
Indeed this is too long! (typically they don't want more than 200 words) I've also noted via the many letters I've written that they want the letters to be "personal", from the heart of the writer.

Dear Editor,

One would think that working on increasing revenue rather than working on how to spend revenue we don't have would be of utmost importance to our federal government. Rather than roll out the red carpet to welcome outsourced jobs back home, our government wishes to penalize them some more. They were penalized enough by our tax code - that's why they left in the first place. Rather than put out the welcome mat for over 10 trillion outsourced dollars in offshore tax havens, they wish to use even more money, that we don't have, to chase those dollars down.
[I am so disgusted that our federal government is working on how to spend revenue we don't have instead of supporting the FairTax legislation already in existance and sitting in the Ways & Means committee waiting for support so the "Come Home" mat of 10 trillion outsourced dollars would no longer be off shores. For the life of me I cannot make sense of this]

[I don't know about you but the FairTax sounds suspiciously like real economic stimulus to me. It bears repeating that wealth comes from the private sector, not the federal government. Please tell me that our elected officials aren't more committed to lobbyists than they are to our nation.]

[No more payroll taxes, no more income taxes, no more filing and that is just the beginning! If it sounds too good to be true, trust me, I once thought so, too. I believed the naysayers. I would hear conflicting reports and opinions. Then I did the research and discovered that those naysayers were giving me innaccurate information. They either hadn't done their homework or favored special interest groups.]

[Along with 1,000s of other FairTax Supporters I network, encourage, educate and support thanks to our networking community at www.fairtaxnation.com and we would love you to become educated and join in the fight for America and its future!]

There is a perfectly viable and thoroughly researched tax reform bill languishing in the House Ways and Means Committee right now. Ways and Means is too busy working on plans to spend our money rather than working on any real measures to increase revenue. That seems a little backwards and counterproductive to me.

Our tax code has, in large part, contributed to our present economic crisis. See "INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND
Debt Bias and Other Distortions: Crisis-Related Issues in Tax Policy
Prepared by the Fiscal Affairs Department
Approved by Carlo Cottarelli
June 12, 2009
Executive Summary".

When I read documents such as these, when I find that we spend 6,000,000,000 man hours annually to comply with our tax code, spend, approx. $350,000,000,000. on the IRS to collect taxes and yet they fail to collect another $250,000,000,000. due to fraud and error, I could spit nails. Add those numbers up folks. These are annual figures. What people don't know about our tax code and what it's doing to us and not for us, is shocking and it's hurting each and every one of us. So shocking, in fact, that a group of citizens got together after a business meeting one day back in the 1990s and wondered what could be done since they discovered that 80% of that meeting was spent discussing tax implications of their future business plans. They spent over $20,000,000. to fund research for a viable option to our present tax code. They succeeded. It became the most researched tax plan in history. The Fair Tax Plan, HR 25 / S 296 was conceived. Economists such as Dale Jorgensen of Harvard and Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University, and many others, scrutinized and adjusted until the plan was indeed, workable and productive. Even those economists that are detractors of the Fair Tax admit that it's far more productive and viable than the leviathan beast of burden known as income / withholding tax.

Under the Fair Tax Plan, income and withholding taxes are completely eliminated by repealing the 16th Amendment, and replaced with a flat conumption tax. (not added on top of current prices, as some will try to tell you) Lobbyists, of course, hate this idea - 34,000+ of them work hard every day to create new loopholes that favor special interests, not you. Those politicians benefitting from funds from lobbyists aren't particularly fond of the idea, either.

With the Fair Tax Plan, 90% of tax collection and compliance costs are eliminated. That means that 90% of 350,000,000,000 dollars can be put to more productive and effective use. That means that 300,000,000,000 dollars spent in tax compliance and preparation is eliminated, again to be used more productively. That means that 80% of revenue that the IRS fails to collect is collected. And 6,000,000,000 wasted man hours? Gone - only to be used more productively. Now add those numbers up, folks.

Another benefit is that outsourced jobs are welcomed back into the U.S. Already 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs are committed to coming back under this plan. Other corporations have committed to building subsidiaries here in the states. These are just the ones we know of. The U.S. becomes the place for the world to to do business.

Offshore tax havens? The welcome home mat is put out, without spending one red cent. Trillions would pour back into the states within months. We become the world's tax haven.

There are many other benefits to enacting HR 25 such as Social Security and Medicare solvency, positive impact on the health care industry, 30% to 50% take home pay in your paychecks, allows small businesses to flourish, and much more. Perfect? No. Transparent, fair, viable, productive, revenue neutral and playing no favorites, increases prosperity in the USA? Absolutely.

While reforming the tax system with the Fair Tax doesn't do a thing to stop government spending, it certainly boosts the economy for the nation and each and every on of you personally. The spending? For me, that's an ongoing process at this time. I don't hesitate to contact our senators and congressmen regarding spending bills.

Getting the Fair Tax passed is an uphill battle, however it is attainable. One by one, Americans for Fair Taxation volunteers are winning the skirmishes along the way, adding four or five new cosponsors of HR 25 /S 296 in the house and senate in just the last two months. Individual states are now vying for which one will be first to adopt a version of Fair Tax to replace their current method of state taxation. (wouldn't you just love to see that death tax gone?!)

Americans for Fair Taxation is a non partisan, not for profit organization dedicated to seeing this bill enacted. For more information, go to FairTax.org and FairTaxNation.com. Read "The Fair Tax Book" and "Fair Tax: The Truth". These sites and books will give you thorough, detailed, and factual information and analysis. FactCheck.org does not with regards to this issue. Senator Sherrod Brown's office informed me that he hinges his non support of the Fair Tax on information gleaned from there. How insulting. FactCheck is woefully inadequate and misinformed regarding this issue.

Other country's candidates have expressed interest in learning about the Fair Tax. AFFT has declined to meet with them. The first country to adopt this plan, wins. It darn well better be the USA. I expect nothing less. And Thomas Jefferson would be proud!
Thanx, you guys, for your helpful comments. I get carried away and say far too much. I'll work on it. I'll save the original for use at another time, possibly for a short speech or something. I appreciate all the feedback. That's how I learn!
Your letter is excellent Jamie. What do you think about my shortening mine by cutting it off where it says "we become the world's tax haven" and then add fairtax sites and books? What say you all?
Excellent well written letter. I concur with other reviewers about length. Too much info for 1 letter. The only problem I have with your facts is your assertion that the Fair Tax would solve the problems of insolvency in SS and Medicare. It would certainly help but by itself is insufficient without reforms in those programs.
While studies show the FairTax will bring solvency it very well may not. We have NEVER had any other "revenue" system to prove one way or the other. We DO KNOW that our current system DISCOURAGES work...and if one doesn't work, one doesn't have "income" for which to be taxed by. We know that it will help SS & Medicare MORE than our current INCOME/TAX the rich system.
I'm revising the part about Soc. Sec. and Medicare to something like "markedly contribute to Soc. Sec. and Medicare solvency". Feedback?


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