Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Liberity & Freedom - What's it worth to you? - a Challenge!

I returned from the NTU conference in DC about 1am this morning. It was an unspeakable pleasure to work along side of Jim Tomasik and his lovely bride Linda and FairTax supporter/volunteer Ed Faust for what seemed like too short of a time.

Here is a short list of things that i leaned while I was there:
We have more friends than we know
We have more foes than we know
Our "friends" will remain rather quiet while our "foes" will be quite outspoken
Most importantly, we need to raise money

Now, about that last item... (the raising money thing)
Do I really need to tell you how important this is? We need to get the word out. We need to have the words "Fair Tax" on the lips of every American. Our effort is just not about the money - it is about freeing ourselves from the tyranny of a Government gone astray - a government that thinks it has some kind of right to our money. A government that believes it is entitled to take your money for whatever reason and using it for whatever purpose it deems necessary.

I am not a "wealthy" man - I have been wise enough to carve out a certain amount of it for use as I deem fit and necessary. It is with the spirit and keeping of those that went well before us and gave all they had to establish this great nation that i make this challenge - from this date until the end of this month I will make a matching donation of all funds contributed to FairTax Nation. I hope it gets to the point that I can't pay it all at once - but pay it I will.

I do not seek glory, fame, honor or whatever label that can be placed upon me. We are going to need a lot of money in the coming months and we need to start making a serious effort.

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It's not about glory and fame, it's about What's right for America. As an NTU member, I wish I could've gone. I think we oughta try to do more within reason of what we can. I got one of my college professors to become a Fair Tax supporter.
Right on Gary, Hey you guys, check this out:
On July 11th, 2008, Obama made a statement while speaking in the continent of Africa. He was talking about corruption and bribes, but it mirrors what is happening here, whether you’re a republican, democrat, independent, constitutionalist (which we should all be, by the way) or a nadorite/Perototite. You get the idea. Obama Quote: "No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20% off the top". End quote.
Well I'll be hornswaggled. He finally got it right. So why are you taxing Private Business? And isn't any business supposed to be private? Go Fair Tax.
Paul Goertz, Washington State. A Fellow Patriot
I've heard today that even Hollyweird liberals are looking for places in which to do their productions where the taxes are lower.
This is a very good topic. I am not rich either. I must say that the Fair Tax would benefit my nephew and my girlfriend and my dad immensely just with the prebate!


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