Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Paul Goertz
  • Male
  • Marysville, WA
  • United States
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Paul Goertz's Discussions

"Get Off Your Pew and VOTE!"

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gary Dubour Jul 12, 2009. 9 Replies


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Fair Tax Nation Baby!

I'm conservative and we need to repeal the 16th and 17th amendments.

Dear Congress persons, Senators, Mr. President and Czars,

Please vote NO on the Climate Change and Energy Bill. A change will be taking place in 2010 and 2012, but it's going to be in the Congress and Senate. We the people are fed up. Those politicians who do not support the Fair Tax will be voted out! $10,000,000,000,000 (that’s Ten Trillion to you politicians who don’t seem to know how much your spending) is a hell of a lot of money. (By the way, so is $1,000,000,000, One Billion dollars). I also demand my constitution back while you’re at it. Repeal all the tarps, and get rid of all those unaccountable CZARS too please. We the people are begging our law makers and protectors to keep us free and safe, not to tax us to death.

A humble but disenfranchised citizen of these United States of America, Paul Goertz Washington State


Enough said. Paul Goertz, A Fellow Patriot

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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 5:30am on February 21, 2016, Jamie Wheeler WA said…

Just started a new group in hopes to get Presidential Candidates on board the Fair Tax.  GOAL 100 postcards in their mailboxes BEFORE March 1...Super Tuesday. Check it out here:  http://www.fairtaxnation.com/group/postcards

At 8:02am on December 10, 2009, Billie said…
I posted a new video from You-Tube. Please check it out. Billie
At 12:56am on August 20, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
A community organizer is by definition an outsider, someone hired not by the community itself, but by outside political operatives attempting to gain a foothold in the community.
Precisely the way a young Barack Obama was hired by outsiders to infiltrate a Southside Chicago community in the late 1980s. Barack Obama dropped in for a few years on the Southside of Chicago. Rather than actually doing anything to improve the community where he was sent to 'work,' he made political friends and established a political base from which to launch his Organizer in Chief presidential campaign. ... When Bill Clinton put forth the notion of Barack Obama as a 'fairytale' and was trounced for it, Democrats should have listened. They now have a man in the office of the presidency, for whom they must provide cover every single day. Why? It's simple. Barack Obama mastered Alinsky tactics of campaigning for power and working the crowds down to the last little letter, but he absolutely has no plan of governance, no workable solutions, and can't even talk about such things without a live-feed teleprompter glued to each hip. ... And 52% of the American electorate has bought this faster than they would buy a used car from a slick-suited salesman on a shady lot. Suckers United for Change. Wow. I'm impressed. Dr. Obama? I would sooner trust Dr. Frankenstein." --columnist Kyle-Anne Shiver
At 12:30pm on July 30, 2009, Dennis Wall said…
Hi Paul, sorry I just now saw the invite. I am computer dumb I tell ya.
At 1:02am on July 13, 2009, Adrian B Early said…
Ok, Paul, learning what is involved is needed. You are right.
Jamie Wheeler is looking into this also. If more difficult, we may just need to do that. You are correct, we need the facts. We need to know what we need to do. Then start. Has anyone reading this done a referendum before? Or know someone who has?
At 9:51pm on July 12, 2009, Adrian B Early said…
Repealing legislation is something ordinary citizens can do (themselves without legislators) not requiring writing 133 page long legal documents. We need fewer laws now, not more. So, let's start with repealing the "IRS amendment".
Repeal the 16th amendment.
Less is more.
At 9:38pm on July 12, 2009, Adrian B Early said…
Hi Paul.
Jamie and I have been discussing a WA state referendum directly from the voters to repeal the 16th amendment. Circumvent politicians and both parties. What do you think of this? We need 150,722 signatures (25% more for possible duplicates than 4% of the total number of votes cast for the office of Governor at the last regular state gubernatorial election).
Could we get 150 of the presently 190 WA FairTaxNation folks or similar to enlist an average of 10 others (fewer as the movement grows) each to gather 100 signatures each to repeal the 16th amendment? Propagate that to 75% of states (38), and our legislators would have to figure out how to replace the IRS with something (like the Fair Tax which already has 69 House and 5 Senate cosponsors, per FairTax: The Truth).
Can we do that? Should we? Shall we?
Go Fair Tax.
Stop 16th Amendment.
- Adrian B Early
Shall I go by ABE?
At 7:04am on July 10, 2009, Dan Hunt said…
Welcome aboard Paul! Dive right in and don't hesitate to ask questions. I don't claim to have all the answers but if I don't know I'm sure their is someone who does know.
At 1:47pm on July 9, 2009, Tony said…
God gave them the right to vote as an 'unalienable right handed down from the creator'. They need to understand god's plan involves us all......so we need to vote!!! Thanks for the post and I wish you the best with your endeavor. I shall do what I can in my area.
At 1:21am on July 6, 2009, Jamie Wheeler WA said…
Hello Paul...Dist 02 does exist...I'm currently the only member HA
Go to the Groups tab above & click. then in the search box type wa, then click on the magnifying glass 02 usually is the 4th group down on the left hand side. It currently only has a shadow of 3 heads for the picture.

Looking forward to working together! We KNOW they can pass a bill in less than 5 days so let it be this one!! After all our pressure of course. LOL

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