Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

We are all working on pushing our elected representatives to sponser and support the FAIRTAX and I am also writing my reps and hopefully this may work, at the same time we all know that if the people get behind this in overwhelming numbers the FAIRTAX will happen without a doubt. I was able to make it to the Columbia, SC rally and picked up some cards produced by NCFAIRTAX.org. they were 3" by 5" cards. They were pretty good explainations of the FAIRTAX but I am thinking they could be improved. If we could simplfy the explanation of the FAIRTAX down to fit practically all of it on these small cards but at the same time explain the major assets of the FAIRTAX and we could pass them out everywhere we go and we could talk to them if they have time or if they don't we could just hand it to them and say check this out when you have time. And by simplifying I mean put it in laymans terms and leave out big complicated words or initials like GDP or the like but put into terms that anyone can understand and I mean anyone. You see most people when they were in school could care less about those big vocabulary words they were trying to teach including myself and we do not understand them now and you hand us something with those big words in it now and were going throw them down somewhere. But you tell us how we can better provide for our families in terms we can understand and we are going to join your team. I have a rough draft of something I put together, it is 10 pages handwritten that educates anyone regardless of their education, on the way the FAIRTAX works, but we need something that explains fully in easy terms to at least explain most of it and peak interest on the rest.

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Just one of those thoughts that popped into my head, thought I'd throw it out and see what people thought of it.
I like the bullets on the front, resources on the back. Would something like this work to start out the interior of the flyer: For years and years our government has been out of control with their spending us into bankruptcy, meddling in private industry til they themselves have caused this recession, while all the time raising our taxes higher and higher. Income Taxes being unconstitutional, our government thru deception of the public in 1913 installed the 16th Amendment to the Constitution giving the government the right to tax every type of income of the American people. The government needs funding and it always will for the obvious reasons, but income taxes kill prosperity because the harder you work, the harder you are taxed with no individual choice in the matter. Our Founding Fathers understood this and thats why when they wrote the Constitution they made taxes on spending the only tax that was legal. "We The People" are going to have to get this country back on the right path and the strongest first step we can take to put the power back in the hands of the people is to demand our government install the FairTax and abolish the 16th Amendment.
I have some problems with your commentary.

1. This is about raising revenue, has nothing to do with government spending. That's a debate for another time.

2. Income taxes are not unconstitutional. The ratification of the 16th amendment made them constitutional, until the 16th amendment is repealed, income taxes will remain constitutional.

We need to keep this on a positive message in support of the FairTax, a new way to fund the Federal Government.
Basically I am just thinking out loud Joe, about Tea Party folks and a lot of others who will not go to tea parties but still think things are hopeless. The FairTax is a radical change in most peoples minds, but I am trying to make the point that it is not at all radical, the "FairTax" is "exactly" what our Founding Fathers set forth in our Constitution. Most people do not know what would work and they are not going to believe some stranger walking up to them with some radical idea either, but they will give some thought to what Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Washington and the like had to say about the matter. Read that sentence again "unconstitutional til 1913" when the smartest people were building industry and the mediocre were in Washington.
Actually, I'm not sure that the 16th was ever ratified.
It's pretty much a waste of time to go down this road. While I might be willing to accept the notion that the 16th was not properly ratified, no court in the land is about to overturn it - it's what the legal eagles refer to as "settled law". Those who refuse to file income taxes based on this premise end up being fined or imprisoned, or both.
I like the one page flyer idea because it could be printed out on our printers and then copied at kinkos etc. great idea, new guy, Paul Goertz
From WA state!!! wooo hooo...there are A LOT of good ideas on this site!!! "IT's TIME!!!!" Personally I like the 1/2 of a page idea because then I get "2" for the price of one...and if we could get 4 per sheet it would be sure to NOT lose them too soon AND we'd get 400 when we have the print cost for 100 sheets!!
I like the idea of multiples on 1 page myself. I think 3 per page is about the maximum you can get, much like the downloads that are posted at the bottom of the main page here at FairTax Nation.
The FairTax: A Permanent Economic Stimulus /Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs/Jobs American Jobs have been moving to other countries for years. How would you like this to stop, and not only stop, but those jobs start coming back to the U.S.A.? The FairTax will do just that. 500 companies in Europe and Asia were asked "what they would do if the U.S.A. installed the FairTax?" 400 said they would build their next plant in the U.S.A. 100 said they would move their entire operation to the U.S.A. Under the FairTax when U.S. made products are to be "exported" to another country the price will be 75% to 90% of the price today. More products will be sold, creating more jobs for Americans. There are over 13 trillion dollars of legally made money in offshore accounts owned mostly by corporations. This money was earned in foreign countries and the proper taxes paid there. If they bring it into the U.S.A. they will have to pay taxes on it again. Thats why it is there and not here. Under the FairTax they would be free to bring this money into the U.S.A. and invest it into our economy with no fear of it being taxed away as income. The FAIRTAX: How it works: The FairTax replaces our "Income Tax" system with a tax on "Spending". Actually a tax on spending was the only "Legal" means of taxation set forth in our Constitution by our Founding Fathers. Only thru deception did our congress in 1913 make "Income Taxes" legal thru the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. They then installed a simple "Flat Tax" on the "rich", which grew into the 67,000 page monstrosity that we have today. The income tax crushes our ability to compete in the world marketplace: and on the personal level; the harder we work, the harder we are taxed. The FairTax will erase all Federal Income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, corporate and business taxes, estate taxes and gift taxes. All income based taxes will be gone. April 15th will be just another beautiful spring day, because you will "not" be filing income taxes ever again. Look on your paycheck stub at the Federal taxes and the Social Security and Medicare taxes taken out of your paycheck, they will no longer be deducted from your pay, these dollars will be added to your paycheck. In todays "Income Tax" system, 22% of the cost of American made products are taxes embedded in that cost. When the FairTax goes into effect most all of this 22 cents in every dollar will go away. Not all of the 22 cents will go away because those extra dollars in your paycheck are part of the 22 cents. The FairTax replaces these "income based" taxes with a retail sales tax on new goods and services at the rate of 23 cents of every dollar. The tax will already be included in the price on the shelf and your receipt will show how much of that price was taxes. We will go from 160 million income tax payers to over 350 million sales tax payers, including the criminal underground economy and the 50 million tourist who visit this country each year. Poor people will pay "zero" taxes under the FairTax. In todays "Income Tax" system, the poor pay those 22% embedded taxes every time they make a purchase. Under the FairTax every U.S. citizen will receive a prebate check that will pay the taxes up to the poverty level. A family of 4 will receive over 525 dollars at the beginning of each month. Social Security and Medicare are running out of money in todays system. Under the FairTax they both are funded 100% forever. Interest rates will be lower because banks will also be more efficient without those embedded tax cost. The FairTax plan was not dreamed up overnight by some politician. The FairTax was designed by Accountants and Economic Experts over a period of years of research and study. The FairTax is a dollar for dollar replacement of our Income Tax system. The FairTax is not a "Republican" issue and it is not a "Democrat" issue. THE FAIRTAX IS AN AMERICAN ISSUE. I tried to separate this into individual paragraphs and such but I can't seem to do it.
I left out used items will not be taxed, too late to edit.
The easy way to say that is "a retail sales tax on all 'new' goods and services."


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