Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Nancy Pelosi once again has brought up the idea of a VAT. This time on Charlie Rose's show and was written in an article in Investors Business Daily VAT's The Matter? . To quote her during the interview: "I would say, put everything on the table and subject it to the scrutiny that it deserves."

I say we take her up on the challenge and remind her and her colleagues of The Fair Tax. Any thoughts?

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Yes, let's get her down and compare pluses and minuses, and see if she will shake! She actually likes "The Code" as she puts it even though she herself signed a letter to Pres Bush that was basically describing the Fair Tax (if I rememer correctly I may still have a copy of that letter saved on my old laptop).

She like all other politicians will always change their minds and put up alternate thoughts just in the end do nothing at all.
She probably like's snakes too!
Gasp! Gasp!! Choke, choke.

I can't even imagine how this poor excuse of a representative to the people's house remains in office (of course, you have to remember where she comes from), add to that she is third in line for the presidency ...

Excuse me, while I go to my window for a breath of fresh air...

Gasp!!! Choke!! - Ok, so that didn't work so well...

Please someone, anyone, give me reason to believe that this totally stupid idiot should be given another term in the peoples house, and I will show you an equal number of totally stupid idiots.
Yes Sean, it is enough to choke one up!
I like you do not understand how she stays in office. Like I have mentioned before, house incumbents are re-elected 80% of the time but COME ON, can't she be in the other 20%!
Hmmm, 20% - that's a fifth, right?

Maybe I'll plop myself down on the sofa with a fifth of Jameson's next November - I'll either be celebrating or drowning my sorrows, while the end result might be the same - maybe I won't mind the morning after quite so much :)
I say we post the letter she sent to Bush in 2004 and remind her of it.
Tony, do you have it? I can look on my old laptop but I am not sure how to post it on FTN

I suggest we write her letters using the key points and keywords from her letter to Bush. In other words, use her own words against her. Obviously some of the figures may need updating.
Nice idea but I read an article on how to contact congress and it was pitiful how they treat our letters, etc..

It even said that a congressman's office will pay no attention to any corespondence from people outside their district!

We just can't seem to make a dent in their thick skulls!
At least the Storm the Hill did get a little attention.
If I did this correctly, the letter to Pres Bush is here
Unbelievable, she must have fallen on her head because nothing she has done since then has made logical sense. Someone please,....... call a doctor. Are they're any good one's left?
Randy - just in case you don't know by now, you did it correctly. Thanks for posting it.

My observation: she never really comes out in favor of the FairTax, she only says she is in favor of a "fair tax". One can only imagine what she believes to be a fair tax. Also note that she uses the word "progressive" when talking about tax reform. Put "progressive" and "fair tax" together and you come up with more taxes on corporations and the "wealthy".

All in all, I'd have to ask why does anyone believe this document supports the FairTax? The FairTax and a fair tax are not necessarily the same thing. Again, who knows what "fair tax" means in the scrambled pea-brained mind of Miss Nancy.


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