Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Retired Navy Captain Kenny Golden is running for this seat. This past Friday he held a town hall meeting at which he both endorsed the Fair Tax and gave a presentation on why he supported it. He is the only candidate in this race to make the Fair Tax part of his proposed legislative package. For more info, check his website at www.kennygolden.com

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> Organize all the support for him that you can.
Kenny Golden is a good guy but he's running as an independent and he can't win. He dropped out of the primary months before it took place because his campaign had no traction. I've talked with Scott Rigel, the republican and he is a FairTax supporter. He wasn't sure at first but after I gave him the book and he learned more about it he came around and now he supports it! Kenny Golden is the spoiler in this race and we don't want to give this seat back to Glen Nye.
Actually, he did have traction (polling around 27% in a seven person race at the time), but chose to run as an Independent when the party hierarchy locked step behind the man who had written he was "...moved by [Obama's] rhetoric..." Mr. Rigell has yet to endorse the Fair Tax. In fact, I've seen a video in which he states he'd have to look into it.

Mr. Rigell is no fiscal conservative. He participated in "Cash for Clunkers", which conservative columnist George Will calls a "bust." Mr. Rigell also supported the "Yes" Campaign, which would have resulted in in an approximate 22% rise in the gasoline tax over time. Fiscal conservative, eh?

Yes, he may have told you that he supports the Fair Tax, but there has been no public statement. Why? Mr. Golden held a town hall specifically on that subject, at which he endorsed the Fair Tax before a standing-room only crowd. One may read about it in the press. Nothing heard from the GOP nominee to date. Nothing like a lack of leadership and initiative.

True fiscal conservatives will rally around Golden; RINOs and other pseudo-conservatives unfortunately will back Rigell. I think there are a great deal many more of the former, however. The only "spoiler" in this race is a RINO who gave more in donations to Obama than did his Democrat opponent. That, alone, should send a clear signal that something is woefully wrong with this picture. If you are indeed concerned about denying Glenn Nye this seat, put principles before party. Otherwise, all you do is remind me of an old Navy saying: You're whispering sweet nothings in my ear, while you're pissing in my pocket.
Give me a an example or two where an independent won a race against a party backed candidate, and maybe I'll be inclined to agree with you. It just doesn't happen. And if you were at any of the debates, you would have seen Mr. Rigell support the FairTax publicly. I actually live in this disctrict, and I know Scott and Kenny. Scott strongly supports the FairTax. There are several FairTax supporters in Norfolk, and we all agree that Scott supports it. If a candidate runs a good campaign, and has the right qualities to be a great congressman, they can win a primary against the establishment backed candidate. It happened all across the country this summer. Kenny didn't have it in him, and he chose to do the same thing Charlie Christ did. He betrayed his party to further his own political career. But Scott will win.

Mr Rigell has explained that the reason he donated to Obama was because he feared Hillary. Did you know he donated more than 80 times that amount to republicans over the last decade? And he had to participate in Cash for Clunkers. He owns a successful car dealership. It wasn't an optional thing for dealers you know. It was a law. Not a suggestion.
When you grow up and learn to differentiate propaganda from the truth, give me a call. This year there is a new dynamic sweeping the land. If you were a true conservative, you would understand that an independent has an excellent chance this year.

I, too, live in the district and know both people. It is for that reason I support THE ONLY ACTIVE-DUTY VETERAN and the ONLY TRUE FISCAL CONSERVATIVE in this campaign. Mr. Rigell has never endorsed Fair Tax, nor will he. He doesn't understand it and he is opposed to it as an auto dealer. Unlike his two opponents, Mr. Golden has never supported a Democrat or an initiative to increase taxation and expand government.

He had a choice when participating in "Cash for Clunkers," but chose the dollar over conservative principles. It was not a law. I went to several dealers in the area who DID NOT PARTICIPATE. He had a CHOICE and, in my opinion, sold out conservative principles in doing so. Take a look at what that program cost each American taxpayer and then tell me his participation was justified.

Re: the Hillary bit: he told me one-on-one at his house that he was disappointed in the GOP for not nominating Romney. Which tale do we believe? I've heard two others, although he does appear to at least stuck with the Hillary Clinton bit. Instead of fearing Hillary, perhaps he should have demonstrated more backbone and led the charge for the GOP ticket. A REAL REPUBLICAN would never consider doing something like that. I and a lot of people never were "...moved by [Obama's] rhetoric..." What are this guy's principles?! What are your's for that matter?

Re: other donations: So, the GOP is into the practice of selling indulgences for one's transgressions! He donated to other Democrats and liberal causes. Check the archives of "Human Events," a most conservative website, and get the truth instead spreading your half-truths, please.

Kenny Golden did not betray the GOP. The GOP betrayed him by backing a liberal with little principle for his cash. In doing so they have betrayed the citizens of the 2nd District. It's payday someday, and that day will be November 2nd. I hope you do us all a favor and check the facts before you cast your vote (I trust you're old enough, although based upon your writings I do have some doubt).


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