Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Dear FairTax Supporter:

Monday, August 9, was the first day for early voting in Florida’s 2010 Primary Election.
You are receiving this Special Report because you previously expressed interest in the FairTax. While we are prevented by our tax-exempt status
(ironic, isn’t it?) from endorsing any candidates, we are able to tell
you where every candidate stands on our Number One Issue.

A team of volunteers from the Greater Orlando area created a ten-question
survey on line at SurveyMonkey.com. All candidates for U.S. House of
Representatives seats in Congressional Districts 3, 5, 7, 8, 15 and 24
were invited to participate.  The survey was followed by visits to
candidates’ websites -- as well as review of candidate literature where
available. The team wanted to see whether survey respondents were merely
doing lip service to the FairTax or whether they were, indeed,
advocating its passage. The team also looked for evidence of support for
the FairTax among a handful of the 22 candidates competing for U.S.
Senate. Results are posted below.

First, though, for your convenience, we have compiled a list of links to local counties’ early voting information. They are:
Lake (http://elections.lakecountyfl.gov/early_voting.asp);
Marion (http://www.votemarion.com/items.aspx?id=32&s=32)
Osceloa (http://voteosceola.com/en/voters/early-voting-locations/);
Orange (http://www.ocfelections.com//Voting/Vote_early.aspx), best viewed with
                  Internet Explorer
Seminole (http://www.voteseminole.org/en-us/how_do_i_vote/vote_early.php?sf_j...)
Volusia (http://www.volusia.org/elections/EarlyVoting/default.htm), the hands down winner in creativity. Click on their Home page and see what happens to your mouse pointer.

Survey Results

Candidates for Senate were not contacted to participate in our survey.

“Yes” indicates a candidate supported the FairTax either by their response to
our survey, by affirming it on their website, in public speeches, or in
their campaign literature.

“No” indicates either a) they did not take part in our survey, or b) their web site does not promote the FairTax.

N/A simply means a) we could find no public utterances in favor of the
FairTax, or b) we could find no campaign literature or other printed
statements in favor of the FairTax. That does not necessarily mean they
do not exist; with the time and resources available we could not find
*Candidate mentions their support of the FairTax on their website.

** Candidate strongly advocates the Fairtax by educating constituents on
it's benefits via their website. Links to pertinent site locations are

Results are current as of Saturday, August 7. Updates, if any, will be published just as soon as they can be verified.

U.S. Senate Candidates                     Survey   Website   Statements   Publications

Charlie Crist-Independent                         No           No           N/A               N/A
Dr. Belinda Gail Quarterman-Noah - WrI   No         Yes**        N/A               N/A
      (Qualified as the write-in 2010 “FairTax Candidate”)
Kendrick Meek-Democrat                         No          No            N/A               N/A
Marco Rubio-Republican                          No          No            N/A               N/A
Alex Snitker-Libertarian                             No         
Yes**       N/A               N/A
There are a total of 22 candidates who actually qualified to run for the U.S.
Senate in 2010. We have not reviewed the others. You can find them
listed here:
http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/canlist.asp (click on individual names for further details).

The following are listed by House District.
                                                Survey   Website   Statements   Publications

3    Dean Black-R                       Yes         Yes**      N/A               N/A
3    Corrine Brown-D                  No          No           N/A               N/A
       Incumbent Brown has NOT in the past co-sponsored HR 25, the FairTax legislation
3    Scott Fortune-D                    No          No           N/A               N/A
3    Terry Martin-Back-Ind           No          No           N/A               N/A
3    Chris Nwasike –R                  No          No           N/A               N/A
3    Michael Yost-R                     Yes         Yes**       N/A               N/A

5    Richard Nugent-R                  No          No           N/A               N/A
5    James Piccillo-D                     No          No           N/A              N/A
5    Jason Sager-R                        No         
Yes*        Yes               N/A
      Video Link: http://taxrelief.eu5.org/?p=639

7    Heather Beaven-D                  No          No           N/A               N/A
7    John Mica-R                         
Yes         Yes**      N/A               N/A
      Incumbent Mica has been a constant co-sponsor of HR 25

8    Ross Bieling-R                       Yes         No           N/A               N/A
8    Peg Dunmire Tea Party@       No          No           N/A               N/A
      @Member of the registered political Florida Tea Party, not the nationwide movement
8    Dan Fanelli-R                          No          Yes**      N/A               N/A
8    Steven Gerritzen-Whig            Yes         Yes*        N/A               N/A
8    Alan Grayson-D                     No          No           N/A               N/A
      Incumbent is NOT a co-sponsor of HR 25
8    Kurt Kelly-R                          No          No           N/A               N/A
8    Todd Long-R                         Yes          Yes**       Yes                Yes
8    George Metcalfe –Ind            No           N/A         N/A               N/A
8    Bruce O'Donoghue-R            No           No           N/A               N/A
8    Patricia Sullivan-R                 No            Yes**      Yes               N/A
      http://patriciasullivanforcongress.com/  (scroll to bottom)
8    Daniel Webster-R                  No          No             N/A               N/A

15  Bill Posey-R                          No          No             N/A               N/A
      Incumbent is current co-sponsor of HR 25
15  Shannon Roberts-D               No          No             N/A               N/A

24  Sandra (Sandy) Adams-R      Yes         Yes*          N/A               N/A
24  Karen Diebel- R                     Yes         Yes*          N/A               N/A
24  Tom Garcia-R                       Yes         Yes*          N/A               N/A
24  Suzanne Kosmos-D               No          No             N/A               N/A
      Incumbent is NOT a co-sponsor of HR 25
24  Deon Long-R                         Yes         Yes**       N/A               N/A
24  Craig Miller-R                        No          No            N/A               N/A
24  Paul Partyka-D                       No          No            N/A               N/A
24  Nicholas Ruiz- WrI                No          No            N/A               N/A
       Mr. Ruiz is a write-in candidate representing the Green Party


Views: 119

Replies to This Discussion

I need to correct this posters comments on George Metcafe's support on the fair tax.
He DOES INDEED support the fair tax and publicly on his website.

Accurate information is A MUST people. Please be accurate with your posts.
George although I don't personally know him, is an independent and supports term limits for congress.
Anyone that supports term limits AND the fair tax has my vote!


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