Started by Robert Williams Mar 24, 2012. 0 Replies 0 Likes
FairTax Leaders; we at FairTaxNation have taken the time to update the information below to the best of our ability. We ask that you verify and maintain this list on a regular basis. State Directors…Continue
WHAT: “Understanding the FAIRtax®” Webinar for Aug 2015 and
SPECIAL TOPIC: “Flat Tax/FAIRtax, What Some Candidates Are Saying”.
Our pressure as voters must be exerted on every House Ways and Means Committee member.
WHEN: Thursday Aug. 27, 2015
TIME: 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific
WHERE: Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access
This is a LIVE EVENT. You can ask questions, and all questions will be answered.
Don’t forget to invite new FAIRtax supporters & prospects to participate with you.
Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers. We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FAIRtax is about.
Join Marc Manieri as he returns as Host and Presenter of the “Understanding the FairTax” webinar series.
NOTICE: To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:
Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on.
For additional information contact Larry Walters at
Help us Monetize FairTax Support. Monetization is the missing link in FairTax.
How do you expect to compete with Big Money when all you have is small change in your pocket?
We have created a monetized handout postcard by teaming up with Crowd2Funding Vistaprint.
All we need to get this kicked off ASAP is for 10 members to commit to a C2F advertising platform at $139.95 per year, and 1000 customized handout postcards from Vistaprint at approximately $150.00. Total annual cost less than $300.00
C2F has one of the best network marketing pay plans in the industry.
G0 here and register for FREE:
See our Vistaprint post card: FairTax%20Proof.pdf
Email or call me with your suggestions and support,
Dusty Rhodes
Cell Phone: 678-906-5013
Alpharetta, GA
Major USMC Retired
20 year member of FairTax.
Dear all FairTax supporters. We know from over 20 years experience that that emails, ball caps & T-shirts don't work either.
We need a monetized system that pays supporters to help promote FairTax.
So we've developed a postcard handout system in conjunction with Crowd2Funding and Vistaprint.
Yearly cost to C2F for ad platform, $139.95. !000 customized postcards from Vistaprint, $150. Total yearly cost under $300.
Success is based on 1% signup rate. 1000 postcards = 10 signups. See C2F payplan.
Register for free now:
See attached postcard sampleFairTax%20Proof.pdf
Need your help and suggestions: Email or call:
Dusty Rhodes
Alpharetta, GA
Cell phone: 678-906-5013
Unique support system to promote FairTax. Get paid to support FairTax.
Register for FREE now.FairTax%20Proof.pdf
What if the only tax you pay the federal government
is one you don’t have to calculate or report?
Only the FairTax:
Find out more here. here in Georgia is our official home page. our current state Director is Mr. Jim Duffie. To help spread the news about fairTax we must work together as a unit if we hope to see HR-25 become a reality.
© 2024 Created by Marilyn Rickert. Powered by
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