Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


GLBT FairTaxers

This group is for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered (and ALL other) persons who happen to support the FairTax Act.

Members: 6
Latest Activity: Jun 20, 2013


A: By affording EVERY person the same inalienable rights that our forefathers granted us upon creating this great nation.

The FairTax transcends gender, race, and sexual orientation. Under the FairTax the IRS and 73,000 pages of tax code is rescinded. There are no deductions because there is nothing to deduct from. There is no more April 15th filing. There is no more IRS! The prebate is the same for adults whether married or not. In other words, the FairTax eliminates the "marriage penalty", putting same sex marriage on a level playing field.

The FairTax enables those individuals involved to choose the relationship status that works best for them without tax incentives of one over another by treating everyone equally.

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Comment by Deidre East on June 22, 2009 at 5:46pm
David, I am glad to see that Jenn filled you in. Thank you again for your offer on the shirts. If we arrange to do a booth at another GLBT event, we'll have to strategize with you. I took some notes regarding improvements that we could do the next time around. I may borrow your design and have some shirts printed up myself (assuming you don't mind). I ought to do something where I'll give them away to anyone who will bring 10 other people by our booth and listen to the pitch. :)
Comment by David Nelson on June 22, 2009 at 1:27pm
That is excellent. I was going to ask tonight how the pride event went. Was the Columbus event set up with lots of venders having tables to market stuff, candidates, or ideas? Every year in St. Pete, they've had to add more tables. Last year, they had about 110 vendors and the participants spend a couple hours after the parade walking up and down looking at stuff.
We found it to be a good use of our day (even though it was 100 degrees on that pavement). I think the rainbow T-shirts helped a lot to overcome suspicion.
We never got any hard core volunteers out of a pride event, but there are a lot more people now who have a positive understanding of the FairTax than if we hadn't gone.
Comment by Jennifer Schmidt on June 22, 2009 at 10:19am
Hi David! I'm Deidre's partner, Jenn. Thanks so much for setting up this group. Deidre and I had a hard crowd to work at the Columbus Pride event this past Saturday - but we spread the Fair Tax word and got a few people signed up to receive info and volunteer!
Comment by David Nelson on June 15, 2009 at 10:37pm
I wish I could volunteer to come help you at the booth, but My partner will be helping his mom move that weekend and I'm working from 10am to 2pm.
Comment by David Nelson on June 15, 2009 at 10:31pm
In Tampa bay a couple years ago, we set up a booth at the St. Petersburg Pride event. We collected more than 800 petition signatures in a single day. The above logo is one that I designed to display on T-shirts specifically for that day. The rainbow flags helped us fit into the community more than regular FairTax logos would have. I still have about a dozen of the t-shirts left in a box somewhere. If you're interested (or if anyone else is interested) in a couple, I'll see if I can locate them.
Comment by Deidre East on June 15, 2009 at 4:12pm
I will be running a FairTax booth at the Columbus Ohio Pride event to explain how the FairTax actually achieves the LGBT community's goal of equal treatment with repect to federal taxes. As a matter of fact, the FairTax is blind to family type or size. The "prebate" doesn't care whether you are single, married, partnered, or part of a commune!

Members (6)


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