Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Minnesota MN FairTax


Minnesota MN FairTax

Members: 18
Latest Activity: Aug 12, 2015

Minnesota FairTax State Leadership

Eric Erickson State Director

Minneapolis, MN (MN-05)
Work: 952.829.1228
Email: eerickson@emergentfinancial.com

Dennis Madden State Director (Emeritus)
Minnetonka, MN (MN-03)
Phone: (763) 360-0257
Email: DenMadd@Earthlink.net

David Boone District Director
Houston, MN (MN-01)
Home: (507) 896-2421
Email: DBoone@acegroup.cc

District Director 02: Dan Borowicz 

Email: dan@gethomesold.com

District Director 03: Forrest Harstad
2112 Merrimac Lane
Plymouth , MN 55447

District Director 05: Dennis Holman

3136 Boone Ave N

New Hope, MN 55427



District Director 06: Available

District Director 07: Richard Grenelle
28877 Sunset Ridge Road West
Ashby, MN

District Director 08: Available

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Minnesota MN FairTax to add comments!

Comment by Larry Walters on August 12, 2015 at 8:52pm

WHAT: “Understanding the FAIRtax® Webinar for Aug 2015 and

SPECIAL TOPIC:  “Flat Tax/FAIRtax, What Some Candidates Are Saying”.

Our pressure as voters must be exerted on every House Ways and Means Committee member.

WHEN: Thursday Aug. 27, 2015

TIME:  8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific

WHERE:  Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access

This is a LIVE EVENT.  You can ask questions, and all questions will be answered.

Don’t forget to invite new FAIRtax supporters & prospects to participate with you.

Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers.  We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FAIRtax is about.

Join Marc Manieri as he returns as Host and Presenter of the “Understanding the FairTax” webinar series.  

NOTICE:  To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:



Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on.

For additional information contact Larry Walters at repeal_16@earthlink.net

Comment by Daniel Dyer on January 20, 2013 at 3:41pm

What if the only tax you pay the federal government

is one you don’t have to calculate or report?

Only the FairTax:

  • treats everyone the same
  • let’s you keep your entire paycheck
  • pays you your taxes if you’re poor
  • doesn’t know whether you’re poor or rich
  • eliminates the IRS and 72,000 pages of tax code
  • costs the government less than 1% to collect
  • brings jobs back to the U.S.

Find out more here.

Comment by Dave Boone on July 18, 2010 at 11:39pm
This from Richard Grenell who resides in Peterson's district:

Yes, Collin was an original co-sponsor of The FairTax in 1999, when
it was first introduced to Congress, along with GOP Rep. John Linder.
Linder was put on the House Ways and Means Committee, but has now
announced that he's retiring from Congress.

Of all the attempts I've made, over the past three years, to contact
Collin, I've never had a response from him or his staff.
Peterson's district has been hard hit by jobs moving to the Dakotas. Maybe we should sell him on a Minnesota version of the FT -db
Comment by Dave Boone on July 18, 2010 at 7:13pm
The term "progressive" has been co-opted because "liberal" has such a negative connotation, and rightfully so. We shouldn't get too excited about such things because in the political world, the definitions change every few generations. For example our founding fathers were liberal in the sense that they championed individual freedom. Besides all that, when "progressive" is used in a tax discussion, it simply means that the tax burden increases as income goes up, and the poor pay little or nothing.
Comment by Weston Wiggins on July 18, 2010 at 6:58pm
I just noticed in the description for Fairtax that it is a "progressive" form of taxation. I am sorry, but anything with progressive in it gives me a rash. Explain this for me and thus for others please.
Comment by Jim Bennett on July 18, 2010 at 4:30pm
As I was doing some research into FairTax history I saw that Colin Peterson (D), MN-07, was one of the original co-sponsors of the bill from its National Retail Sales Tax days. A FTN-contributor named Cary Henderson suggested this may be a good time to approach Peterson again. If Peterson thinks Nancy Pelosi, who is the one keeping Democrats off the bill (I'm not saying this to be political but to make a statement of fact), is now on the wrong side of history, Peterson may be willing to show more independence.

Let me know what you think and how MN-outsiders might be able to help.

Best regards,
~Jim Bennett
New Jersey
Comment by Gerald Nielsen on May 30, 2009 at 9:48am
Was wondering if there is going to be a group going down to Columbia for the rally. I am with the Grassroots Freedom Riders and I will be heading down and was looking to hook up with a caravan from the Cities possibly

Members (18)


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