Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Progressives for the FairTax


Progressives for the FairTax

If you consider yourself a "progressive", or a "liberal", or a "Democrat" and you stand behind the FairTax, you're needed here.

As we are aware, the FairTax is a non-partisan bill that promotes Savings & Investment, American Exceptionalism, and most of all growth in America. But without the numbers to show Congress, the FairTax is simply seen as a "Republican", "Conservative", or even "Tea Party" plan.

Join this group to help show Congress what the FairTax is truly about.

Members: 11
Latest Activity: Apr 7, 2014


Discussion Forum

What changed your mind?

Started by Robert Williams Apr 21, 2012. 0 Replies

Regardless of whether you're a Democrat or Republican, a Liberal or Conservative, or a Left- or Right-winger, if you didn't initially like the FairTax, what changed your mind? What was the ultimate…Continue

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Comment by Frank Gilbert on April 13, 2013 at 11:41pm

A great reason for liberal minded folk to support the FairTax!

Comment by Dr. Stephen Uhl on July 8, 2012 at 10:51am

Frank, I primpted the original comment to make it easier to read. again thanks a lot for taking this historic program to the Dems!

Prebate makes FairTax PROGRESSIVE & FAIR

Under FairTax, everyone takes home their entire paycheck; NO LOOPHOLES, no exclusions except for education and USED purchases. All (visitors, pimps, and all the huge underground cash economy) are taxed on what they SPEND on new purchases, not on what they EARN. No one has to report their income to anyone!
To make the FairTax truly fair, every LEGAL household receives a family consumption allowance, the “Prebate,” to offset taxes on life’s necessities. The first table below shows the annual prebate and resulting consumption tax rate for spending levels from rich to poor for a


Amount.. …23%……….Annual….After……...Rate with
$2,000,000…$460,000.…$6,767..…$1,546,767.…. 23%
$1,000,000…$230,000.…$6,767..…$776,767.…… 22%
$500,000...…$115,000.…$6,767.….$391,767.…… 22%
$250,000...…$57,500.…..$6,767.….$199,267.…… 20%
$200,000...…$46,000.…..$6,767.….$160,767.…… 20%
$150,000...…$34,500.…..$6,767.….$122,267.…… 18%
$125,000.…..$28,750.…..$6,767.….$103,017.…… 18%
$100,000.…..$23,000.…..$6,767.….$83,767.…….. 16%
$75,000.……$17,250.…..$6,767.….$64,517.…….. 14%
$50,000.……$11,500.…..$6,767.….$45,267.……… 9%
$45,000.……$10,350.…..$6,767.….$41,417.……… 8%
$40,000.……$9,200.……$6,767.….$37,567.……… 6%
$35,000.……$8,050.……$6,767.….$33,717.……… 4%
$30,000.……$6,900.……$6,767.….$29,867.……… 0%
$25,000.……$5,750.……$6,767.….$26,017……… -4%
$20,000.……$4,600.……$6,767.….$22,167……… -11%
$15,000.……$3,450.……$6,767.….$18,317……… -22%
One-twelfth of the annual prebate is paid monthly to every legal household; the amount of your monthly prebate can be found in the table below -- depending only on your FAMILY SIZE, NOT on your income level. The 2011 FairTax Prebate Schedule below is based on official DHHS Poverty Guidelines:
…………ONE-ADULT HOUSEHOLDS…… Family………..Annual……… Annual…..Monthly

1 adult…………$10,890.…….. $2,505.……$207
and 1 child…….$14,710.…….. $3,383.……$282
and 2 children…$18,530.…….. $4,262.……$355
and 3 children…$22,350.…….. $5,141.……$428
and 4 children…$26,170.…….. $6,019…….$502

2 adults…………$21,780.….…. $5,009.……$417
& 1 child…….….$25,600.….…. $5,888.……$491

& 2 children……$29,420.….…. $6,767.……$564
& 3 children….…$33,240.….…. $7,645.……$637
& 4 children….…$37,060.….…. $8,524.……$710

Comment by Dr. Stephen Uhl on July 8, 2012 at 10:20am

Frank, thanks a lot for your efforts to take this historic program to the Dems; to convince them, simply show them the facts:

The Prebate makes Fairtax PROGRESSIVE & FAIR

Under FairTax, everyone takes home their entire paycheck; NO LOOPHOLES, no exclusions except for education and USED purchases. All (visitors, pimps, and all the huge underground cash economy) are taxed on what they SPEND on new purchases, not on what they EARN. No one has to report their income to anyone!
To make the FairTax truly fair, every LEGAL household receives a family consumption allowance, the “Prebate,” to offset taxes on life’s necessities. The first table below shows the annual prebate and resulting consumption tax rate for spending levels from rich to poor for a

Amount.. …23%……….Annual….After…….Rate with
$2,000,000…$460,000.…$6,767..…$1,546,767.…. 23%
$1,000,000…$230,000.…$6,767..…$776,767.…… 22%
$500,000...…$115,000.…$6,767.….$391,767.…… 22%
$250,000...…$57,500.…..$6,767.….$199,267.…… 20%
$200,000...…$46,000.…..$6,767.….$160,767.…… 20%
$150,000...…$34,500.…..$6,767.….$122,267.…… 18%
$125,000.…..$28,750.…..$6,767.….$103,017.…… 18%
$100,000.…..$23,000.…..$6,767.….$83,767.…….. 16%
$75,000.……$17,250.…..$6,767.….$64,517.…….. 14%
$50,000.……$11,500.…..$6,767.….$45,267.……… 9%
$45,000.……$10,350.…..$6,767.….$41,417.……… 8%
$40,000.……$9,200.……$6,767.….$37,567.……… 6%
$35,000.……$8,050.……$6,767.….$33,717.……… 4%
$30,000.……$6,900.……$6,767.….$29,867.……… 0%
$25,000.……$5,750.……$6,767.….$26,017……… -4%
$20,000.……$4,600.……$6,767.….$22,167……… -11%
$15,000.……$3,450.……$6,767.….$18,317……… -22%
One-twelfth of the annual prebate is paid monthly to every legal household; the amount of your monthly prebate can be found in the table below -- depending only on your FAMILY SIZE, NOT on your income level. The 2011 FairTax Prebate Schedule below is based on official DHHS Poverty Guidelines:

Family………..Annual………... Annual…..Monthly

1 adult……….…$10,890.…….. $2,505.……$207
& 1 child…….…$14,710.…….. $3,383.……$282
& 2 children……$18,530.…….. $4,262.……$355
& 3 children……$22,350.…….. $5,141.……$428
& 4 children……$26,170.…….. $6,019…….$502

2 adults……...……$21,780.….…. $5,009.……$417
and 1 child…….….$25,600.….…. $5,888.……$491
and 2 children…$29,420.…... $6,767.….$564
and 3 children….…$33,240.….…. $7,645.……$637
and 4 children….…$37,060.….…. $8,524.……$710

Comment by Frank Gilbert on July 8, 2012 at 9:33am

I'm going to have my next meeting focus on Democrats. Here is hoping I can get a few to show up ;-)

Comment by John Wesley Nobles on May 14, 2012 at 12:27am

Just being an American Citizen is all that it takes to want to support Fair Tax, HR 25/ S 13!  We are on a sinking ship and we have to bail the water out or drown!  We don't have enough life jackets to go around, so we better shake it up and get this job done before it is too late! Unlike Congress we can all work with fellow AmericansThis is a citizen effort that will impact all our lives regardless of our persuasion.  Now we tell congress to get it done or we will hire new people that will!

Comment by Robert Williams on April 20, 2012 at 1:44pm

That's great Frank. I'm glad to have you here with us. Thanks for all your support.

Comment by Frank Gilbert on April 20, 2012 at 10:48am

While I am not any of the above, I am willing to have open and honest debate with those who are in an effort to educate ALL about the FairTax. We CAN unite on this issue!


Members (11)


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