Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Regardless of whether you're a Democrat or Republican, a Liberal or Conservative, or a Left- or Right-winger, if you didn't initially like the FairTax, what changed your mind? What was the ultimate turning point that made you see the FairTax in a different light? Where was the epiphany?

I've heard some say that it was their view on Corporate Welfare that did it. I've heard others say that it is the progressivity that the "Prebate" adds. I've even been told that it is the "socialistic" quality that it brings by completely untaxing the poor.

I would like to know if there are other progressive characteristics so that we can try to help others see them. The FairTax is a non-partisan bill that needs the support of people from both sides of the aisle. As long as it is viewed as a "Republican Bill" then it will continue to sit on the desks of our House members.

Please contact YOUR congressmen right now and let them know you support the FairTax and that you want them to also.

POPVOX, HR-25: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/hr25
POPVOX, S-13: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/112/s13

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