Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

South Carolina SC FairTax


South Carolina SC FairTax

Members: 36
Latest Activity: Aug 12, 2015

South Carolina FairTax State Leadership

Philip Hinson Regional Director - Eastern
Austell, GA (GA-13)
Home: (770) 656-1187
Email: plh001@yahoo.com correct information

Robert "Jack" Jackson State Director
Summerville, SC (SC-01)
Home: (843) 821-6701
Email: jackjackson@sprintmail.com

Wendell Ford Community Coordinator
Goose Creek, SC (SC-01)
Home: (843) 514-2009
Email: wendell.ford@gmail.com

Mickey Lattimore Community Coordinator
Myrtle Beach, SC (SC-01)
Home: (843) 602-5959
Email: mickeylatti@hotmail.com

Karen Heitman Community Coordinator
Bluffton, SC (SC-02)
Home: (843) 705-3378
Email: Karen56@aol.com

William Krecker Community Coordinator
Batesburg-Leesville, SC (SC-02)
Home: (803) 604-8104
Email: wrkrec@hotmail.com

Allan Stern Community Coordinator
Bluffton, SC (SC-02)
Home: (843) 705-5293
Email: Spiker149@hargray.com

Carl Wedler Community Coordinator
Beaufort, SC (SC-02)
Home: (843) 379-3127
Email: cwedler@charter.net

Kenneth Heath Community Coordinator
Aiken, SC (SC-03)
Home: (803) 641-0717

Stephen Stone District Director
Taylors, SC (SC-04)
Home: (864) 979-9619
Email: Stephen_Stone@charter.net

Larry Donaldson District Director
Darlington, SC (SC-05)
Work: (843) 393-7499
Home: (843) 858-0783
Email: dona2026@bellsouth.net

Timothy Baxley Community Coordinator
Dalzell, SC (SC-05)
Home: (803) 983-0094
Email: grumman@sc.rr.com

Bobby L. Jordan Community Coordinator
Jefferson, SC (SC-05)
Home: (843) 658-6651
Email: bobbyljordan@yahoo.com

Coit Morrison Community Coordinator
Rock Hill, SC (SC-05)
Work: (704) 587-1469
Email: coit.morrison@gmail.com

Discussion Forum

Let's Go On The Offensive !! - Here's an Idea!

Started by Dennis Keller. Last reply by Dennis Keller Jan 26, 2009. 5 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of South Carolina SC FairTax to add comments!

Comment by Larry Walters on August 12, 2015 at 9:04pm

WHAT: “Understanding the FAIRtax® Webinar for Aug 2015 and

SPECIAL TOPIC:  “Flat Tax/FAIRtax, What Some Candidates Are Saying”.

Our pressure as voters must be exerted on every House Ways and Means Committee member.

WHEN: Thursday Aug. 27, 2015

TIME:  8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific

WHERE:  Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access

This is a LIVE EVENT.  You can ask questions, and all questions will be answered.

Don’t forget to invite new FAIRtax supporters & prospects to participate with you.

Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers.  We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FAIRtax is about.

Join Marc Manieri as he returns as Host and Presenter of the “Understanding the FairTax” webinar series.  

NOTICE:  To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:



Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on.

For additional information contact Larry Walters at repeal_16@earthlink.net

Comment by Daniel Dyer on January 20, 2013 at 3:58pm

What if the only tax you pay the federal government

is one you don’t have to calculate or report?

Only the FairTax:

  • treats everyone the same
  • let’s you keep your entire paycheck
  • pays you your taxes if you’re poor
  • doesn’t know whether you’re poor or rich
  • eliminates the IRS and 72,000 pages of tax code
  • costs the government less than 1% to collect
  • brings jobs back to the U.S.

Find out more here.

Comment by Billie on May 13, 2010 at 6:00am
I received this e-mail today. If this is your congressman, don't you think it is time for him to leave office? At least send him a message that we do NOT want anymore taxes; we want the FairTax!

Today, Congress once again ignored what Americans want and introduced a new gasoline tax as part of a global warming bill that also contains a cap and trade energy tax on utilities. The section on the gas tax begins on p. 361.

Introduced by Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), this bill requires American oil companies to pay a fee to the government for their global warming emissions.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who helped craft the gas tax, admitted the fee "will be passed on" to motorists in the form of higher gasoline prices.

But Senators Kerry and Lieberman are offended that any American would dare call it a gas tax.

Don't be fooled. This is a government requirement that will increase the cost of gasoline. It's a tax. So not only will we have to pay more for gas, we have the added insult of Senators insisting that what we can plainly see as a new gas tax is not actually a gas tax.

The American people know better. And according to an American Solutions poll, 71% of Americans oppose this new gas tax, even if politicians are insisting it is not a gas tax.

In addition, this bill creates a cap and trade system that will dramatically increase the cost of residential and commercial electricity prices.

Even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says cap and trade will kill jobs and reduce American productivity.

With one bill, Congress will raise gasoline and electricity prices, raise the cost of energy, and kill jobs. This is not the way to create jobs and prosperity.

This bill is wrong for America. Will you help us defeat it?

We need to get information about this new tax to as many people as possible in the next 48 hours.

Thank you,

Vince Haley
Vice-President of Policy
Comment by Dennis Keller on January 25, 2009 at 5:29pm
Hey ALL, We need to work on recruiting our South Carolina folks to join this group and get some state discussions going. We've got quite a few on the ZAP site, but I'll make as many aware of this site as possible. Unfortunately now we've got two very similar sites and people with limited internet time will need to decide which to follow, but I'm sure things will work themselves out over time. All that truly matters to me is that the Fair Tax Grassroots movement prospers and accomplishes that objectives and goals we need to make it a reality.

Come On Let's Get Things Cranked Up!

Members (36)


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