Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Don Rosenberg
  • Male
  • Charlotte, NC
  • United States
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  • Mark B H
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At 1:09pm on January 3, 2010, Mark B H said…
I still don't get why you believe GOOOH is better than The Independence Caucus way? Other than it caters to your anger at the 2-party system I can't see why you prefer it?

As I understand it, GOOOH is simply a way to elect representatives (vetting process's etc.) but doesn't want to use the 2-party system? Why reinvent the wheel when you can change it from within? Mr. Cox has done some amazing work and my district rep will be going to see him speak in Charlotte this month.

I agree we are splintered, and into more groups than just GOOOH and IC. Actually if it were just our groups it would not be bad but there are a ton of them out there...and that concerns me.
At 6:43pm on January 2, 2010, Mark B H said…
Yes Don, I found GOOOH before finding The Independence Caucus. Have you heard of them? Same goals as GOOOH except have a proven track record with a national win in 2008 (Jason Chaffetz UT-3rd) and have been around since the 1990's on a smaller level.
At 9:17am on December 20, 2009, David P Welden said…
Don, I received a note from you yesterday afternoon wherein you offered "Talking Points" if I could get in touch with you. I write promo material for GOOOH - National and for GOOOH of Georgia and I would like to correspond with you. Please send me an email so I can do so conveniently. Thank you.
David Welden

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