WELCOME to Fair Tax Nation the social networking site for Fair Tax Advocates such as ourselves so we can work & encourage one another as we fight for restoration of our Republic and to see the IRS abolished!
PLEASE go to the GROUPS tab above and find your state group and join it, but don't stop there, browse the rest of the groups and join as many as you'd like.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Looking forward to working together for the SUPERIOR Tax Reform Solution!
Time to start turning up the volume amongst ALL Federal Candidates! To become reality the Fair Tax needs:
1 President
218 Representatives
51 Senators
All with a backbone as this will be the LARGEST transfer of power in history!
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Thank You Milton, We need to get the message to the people...
Hello Milton,
WELCOME to Fair Tax Nation the social networking site for Fair Tax Advocates such as ourselves so we can work & encourage one another as we fight for restoration of our Republic and to see the IRS abolished!
PLEASE go to the GROUPS tab above and find your state group and join it, but don't stop there, browse the rest of the groups and join as many as you'd like.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Looking forward to working together for the SUPERIOR Tax Reform Solution!
Time to start turning up the volume amongst ALL Federal Candidates! To become reality the Fair Tax needs:
1 President
218 Representatives
51 Senators
All with a backbone as this will be the LARGEST transfer of power in history!