Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

David Shipp's Blog (5)

Do you know who is winning the GOP Primaries?

Do you know that the popular vote is not what counts?    A candidate needs about 1200 delegates to win the nomination. So far, Ron Paul has 9, Romney has about 28.  There is  Some where around 2500, delegates. Most states decide delegates some what by the popular vote, but there are two states like Florida that the winner takes all. Except for those mentioned above, those delegates are all up for grabs. None of the other candidates are registered in enough states to be in a position  to get…


Added by David Shipp on February 3, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

GOOOH, Is GOOOH a good idea?

Is there any one on Fairtax nation who does not think GOOOH is a good idea? If not can you say why?

Added by David Shipp on December 8, 2009 at 2:53pm — 3 Comments

Flat tax Vs Fairtax, Steve Forbes and Freedom works

Steve Forbes and Dick Armey are pushing the Flat tax as hard as they can. I have been posting the following on as many of their comment pages as I have time for. Perhaps others can comment that they agree with this post. \

The flat tax and the FairTax share some important similarities. They are both flat-rate taxes that are neutral with respect to savings and investment. The flat tax, however, retains the invasive income tax administration apparatus and can easily revert to a graduated,… Continue

Added by David Shipp on September 16, 2009 at 9:21pm — 3 Comments

Brendan Steinhauser: Why we must March on Washington

Why we must March on Washington


Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 9:16pm

Throughout history governments have ignored the rights of citizens and instead have maximized their own power. Those in public office have used it for their own personal gain, or to take wealth from some and give to others in order to maintain their own power. It is a classic model that hasn’t changed much in thousands of years.

The modern iteration of this is a leviathan federal government… Continue

Added by David Shipp on August 31, 2009 at 7:48pm — 5 Comments

The AARP and a better choice

For any one who loves the big government policies of AARP this is not for you. For all others over Fifty, this is a better organization, AND they are promoting Fairtax. Please at least sign up for their news letter. Thanks

Added by David Shipp on June 17, 2009 at 4:20pm — 1 Comment

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