Comment by David Shipp on August 30, 2010 at 10:13am
I believe we can all see that the 2010 election is not going to be the sweeping change in congress that we all wanted to happen. Apparently most US Citizens do not understand how important the primaries are. Lets not continue making the same mistakes when we choose our candidates for 2012. Please become involved with GOOOH, a new system that effectively replaces the primary selection process, is a spring board for Fairtax and decides the election before the day of the election.
Comment by David Shipp on December 10, 2009 at 5:35am
Sean, Thank you for responding to my blog. Frankly, I am surprised I didn't get more response. I guess my blogs don't get out except to friends. There was one response from a Cary Henderson but she must have changed her mind since I never saw it. I am also surprised to learn you are a Republican. I thought you were a Libertarian.
Comment by Sean Fagan on December 8, 2009 at 7:17pm
I think GOOOH is a great idea! But I also happen to think that this might not be the best time for this movement.
It is my belief that the November 2010 elections will be extremely crucial for the success and continuation of our Republic as we have come to know and understand it today. In my opinion, we absolutely must return control of Congress back to the conservatives next year and I fear the GOOOH movement might well prevent this from happening. I'm sure we all realize that any conservative third party movement will only undermine the main conservative movement already in place (yes, of course, that would be the Republican party), and while I might be a registered Republican I am first and foremost a conservative in the vein of Ronald Reagan. I most deeply feel and believe that under no circumstances the liberals should be allowed to keep control of the Congress.
My apologies to all of our GOOOH members and friends. I am not opposed to the idea, I would just like to see it wait until after next year's elections.
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