Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


Note to reader: The Fair Tax will need a change in the constitution because amendments changed taxes to the income tax system. It must be changed to allow a consumption tax. A constitutional convention can be called by Congress or by 2/3 of the states legislatures. I believe it will be easier to convince the many heartland states rather than the congress. While I was working on this proposal Mr. Boortz spoke on his radio show about a discusssion he had with Congressman Linder regarding proceeding with asking the states to set up a constitutional convention. I sent the following letter to ask them not to go alone but to form a coalition with other groups to make our movement stronger and would benefit us all through defining certain amendments to the constitution. Your interest, discussion and hopefully support will be greatly appreciated.

March 2, 2009

Neal Boortz
1601 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309

The Honorable John Linder
1026 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-1007


I have been active in the Fair Tax movement for about 3 years. I have been limited by age and health problems but have been able to do volunteer work for Texas, my local chapter and the FairTax Nation. I have also promoted the fair tax in numerous blogs.

I had been contemplating the potential of the constitutional convention and developing some thoughts about it when I heard Mr. Boortz discussing the subject on his show and that he was discussing it with you, Congressman Linder. I was especially interested in the discussion about the opening of the convention being used by many groups to make changes that might not be desireable.

I decided to forward some of my thoughts I had developed to you for your consideration in regard to the convention. These are my suggestions after some “what if” mental projections.

I think a movement should be started that is termed a ”Convention to Reaffirm the Constitution and Definition of Selected Amendments. The idea is to project the thought of retaining the sacred constitution as written but to clarify the bill of rights by defining the clauses attached.

At this point you are wondering where I am going with this. Stay with me, the following paragraph will explain.

The FairTax movement by itself might have problems stimulating the numbers of voters and influence needed to influence the states to pass the legislation for a convention. This can be resolved by forming a coalition of groups to insure success of the convention. Consider that a very high percentage of the population believes in God and the clarification of the position of the “church and church and state” would gain great support. The gun groups have a high level of membership and would like to clarify the meaning of the right to bear arms. The right to life group comprised of many conservatives would like to clarify the sanctity of life just as the Fair Tax movement would like to direct tax reform. The meaning of Free Press must be clarified and it is hopeful that a clarification of the difference of free speech and opinion shows will be free of control and separated from the definition of “press” aka the reporting of news. The Press Publishers Organization has a code of ethics that if it were followed as closely as the lawyer’s code of ethics it would keep the speech free and the news factual.

There are other organizations that might be included and the core group should be strong enough to control the movement. A favorite of mine would be to investigate the possibility of national support of the financing of elections. It seems to me the cost would be less than the payback politicians must give to special interest groups. Today, the only function the public has is to vote and once the official is in office he or she has to represent the interests that paid to have him or her elected which is not in the best interests of the public. With only a 2 year term the present system places a heavy burden on you Mr. Linder in constantly compaigning and raising funds.

I have raised some issues but I have favorites. I believe you and Mr. Boortz can best guide us in what goals we set. You have done well so far.

Success of such a movement should be good because the heartland of America is strong and includes the majority of states. The higher density populations that control the electoral college are in a few states but the conservative groups control many more states and with a coalition of dedicated groups working together, state by state should insure victory and the proper Fair Tax amendment can be passed, our constitution will be preserved, vague articles will be defined and the effects of an impartial supreme court or opinionated newspaper will be diminished.
The concern expressed about opportunists taking advantage of the convention will be diminished by stronger support of numbers in the coalition of the groups asked to join the group.

I hope you find these thoughts stimulating to your own outstanding thoughts.

I sincerely thank both of you for making the Fair Tax understandable and a part of our daily conversation and interest. Your contribution to this movement is outstanding and I know appreciated by many. I will continue to support you as my health allows.

Stewart D. Rusby

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Comment by Robert Lowry on March 2, 2009 at 5:54pm
The idea of a "constitutional convention" as a means of getting the fairtax into law has been discussed for awhile amongst fairtax advocates. The idea of doing this with a coalition of interested groups as a "Convention to Reaffirm the Constitution and Defention of Selected Amendements" seems to this citizen precisely what the founding fathers would expect of us. I look forward to hearing more and hopefully be a part of this effort.

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