Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25


There are only two types of people who can convince themselves that “no” means “yes”, and that “she wanted it” is a reasonable excuse: rapists and liberal Democrats.

The American people have quite clearly said they do not want government-run health care. Polls consistently show only a third or less of us support ObamaCare in any of its mutant forms. No means no to the public.

Running against government-run health care, Republicans have won a string of special elections in deep-blue Democrat states that Mr. Obama won handily – Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. No means no to the voters.

Even Democrats like Rep. Bart Stupak and 41 others in the House stood firm against ObamaCare over the inclusion of abortion funding into health care reform. Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman and others steadfastly rejected public option. No means no to a few brave legislators.

Last week Anthem announced that California premiums will shoot up 39% this year, an increase mandated by regulation and approved by government. The latest ObamaCare proposal is so vague, the CBO refused to even estimate what it will cost taxpayers. No means no to the Congressional Budget Office.

But “no” means “yes” to the socialist Democrats calling the shots. Prepare to be violated. Knowing full well that what they propose is unconstitutional, unwanted, and fiscally suicidal, these maniacs are going to ram it down our throats anyway.

They will do so with as much anger, hatred, and loathing for their victims as any rapist could ever muster. Harry Reid’s response to objections over his use of the reconciliation process – forced entry – was, “quit crying”. Sorry our mascara stained your blindfold, Senator.

And they will justify their actions by telling us we wanted it, we needed it, it was good for us, we should enjoy it even. They will say we deserved it; we had it coming to us. They will claim we provoked them; prancing around half-uninsured and begging for it. It’s our fault they couldn’t constrain themselves – we are health sluts.

Too many Republicans want to negotiate with them, offering up groping and fondling in trade. This week they should have boycotted the crime scene; instead they will give the President and his media accomplices just the photo-op he needed to claim the act was consensual. Anything to avoid being called the “Party of No”.

Libertarians don’t want to be called the Party of No, either – we are the Party of Hell No.

We don’t negotiate with political rapists; our message to the brutes is unequivocal: keep your filthy hands off me. And not just our health care; we want the federal government’s filthy hands off our wallets, our guns, our stuff, our families, our schools, our jobs, our businesses, our churches, our clubs, our homes, our lifestyle choices, our energy, our data, and all the sovereign nations of the world.

We are tired of Democrats putting our money where their mouth is. We are equally tired of Republicans forcing us to show the courage of their convictions. Economic interventions at home and military interventions abroad have brought us to the brink of economic ruin, and the rise of the welfare state has eroded individual responsibility and deprived us of our dignity.

A century of government expansion has dimmed the memory of liberty and created an elite ruling class whose primary allegiance is to the power they stole, not to the people they stole it from. They are hoping we will forget what it means to live free and thank them for making us well-cared-for slaves to the state.

We have an answer for them: No. Hell No. Kicking and screaming and clawing at your eyes all the way to November, Buster - that’s how it’s going to go down.

Tim Nerenz is the Libertarian Party Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 2nd District. To support Dr. Tim's campaign, please visit the campaign website at www.timnerenz.com.

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