Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Tim Nerenz
  • Male
  • Merrimac, WI
  • United States
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Tim Nerenz's Blog

It's Not Complicated

Posted on January 10, 2012 at 8:13pm 1 Comment

Freedom is difficult, but it is not complicated. Either you wish to make your own choices in life (freedom) or you wish to let others make them for you (government).

Ron Paul likes to say “freedom is popular” and he is right, when it comes to our own freedom; none of us wants someone else to spend our money and tell us what to do. That’s not complicated. It is when we think about extending that same courtesy to those who spend their money in ways we find offensive (buy drugs, for…


China Trade

Posted on December 11, 2011 at 10:18am 0 Comments

Everybody has an opinion about trade with China, and here is mine: let’s trade ‘em Ben Bernanke for Fu Ying. Throw in a minor league pitcher if we have to – President Obama comes immediately to mind.

Fu Ying is China’s Vice Foreign Minister, who Friday announced that China would not use its foreign exchange reserves (i.e. dollars) to rescue other countries (i.e. Europe). She explained that “foreign reserves are akin to savings” and not to be squandered by governments.…


Working Man

Posted on March 15, 2011 at 7:07pm 0 Comments

Of all of the myths that persist about wealth and work, perhaps the most stubborn is the myth of the working man; that stoic character who toils harder, grinds longer, contributes more, and is paid less than his presumptively non-working overlords.

Socialists, liberals, and Democrats claim to be "for" the working man – as long as it’s the union-represented working man. Capitalists, conservatives, and Republicans also claim to be "for" the working man, too – mostly they mean the…


Madison Wild Wings

Posted on March 8, 2011 at 7:28pm 0 Comments

In a response to my piece entitled, "Taxeaters", a reader who favored progressive income taxation posed this question back to me: why shouldn’t the top 50% of income earners pay 96% of the taxes?

My answer: for the same reason that they shouldn’t have to pick up 96% of the state’s collective bar tab. All knowledge builds upon what you know.

That evening, I pondered his question some more and was inspired while enjoying a pub meal that Michelle Obama would ban if…



Posted on February 28, 2011 at 6:15pm 0 Comments

Welcome to the second Civil War. This time it is the taxpayers against the taxeaters; the hand versus the cookie jar. The tea party sparked it, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey declared it, and now Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has fired the first shot.

On one side of the economic Mason/Dixon line are taxpayers, people who send more money to government than they receive from it. On the other is taxeaters, whose ledger balance is reversed. Pick your side, either by…


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At 2:29pm on September 25, 2009, Tim Nerenz said…
Chiefcook, I appreciate your question on FairTax.

I was a member of Americans For Fair Taxation and a subscriber to Fairtax.org long before before I decided to run for office.

I chose to post brief position statements on a handful of specific issues. Taxation was one of them, and I support enactment of FairTax. I believe that is all that needs to be said.

In a future post, we will undoubtedly cover taxes in more detail, and I hope you will be satisfied with my coverage of the issue.


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