Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Notes from the Special Order FairTax House session broadcast on CSPAN

I recorded it and watched it all and took some notes. These are just my thoughts and constructive criticism. Overall the exposure is very welcome and additional media coverage will be especially useful.

An interesting aside, but I checked the Omnibus bill and found that only Reps Linder and Broun had no earmarks next to their name. Rep. Duncan is associated with 8 of his very own! Can't have it both ways.

In general, I was disappointed with the whole hour. I am no expert on such things but what is the point to making a presentation like this to an empty house, save for the folks who are already "in the tank". All those empty chairs. A stenographer records the proceedings to be published in the record which no one reads and about forty people other than us who watched CSPAN become the effective audience.

On top of all that, articulation was so poor at times, I found myself screaming at the TV things like "mention the rebate", "use the word 'progressive'", "consumption tax, not sales tax". These guys really need some "bumper sticker" style slogans too.

As I said, I took a few notes and would like to address some of the things actually said. Hopefully, this is useful and some thought can be given on how to better sell the FairTax.

1. No mention of the prebate. No mention of how the "unwealthy" are not penalized. In fact, everybody gets a fair shake except for the uber-rich, who can fairly easily avoid taxes under the current system, and the underground economy (the latter was mentioned).

2. The tax is only on the initial sale of new goods and the provision of the services. This would not be obvious to anyone hearing about the FairTax for the first time.

3. Stop calling it a national sales tax. It's inaccurate at worst, unhelpful at best. Hard enough to sell anything with the word "tax" in it as it is. The key message here should be "stop taxing income and tax consumption instead". Linder said it best, "Tax wealth, not wages". That's a bumper sticker right there.

4. The "Skittles" story was weird. It made it sound like the FairTax was an exclusive tax, like state sales taxes are right now. Under the FairTax, the price of the "Skittles" would include the FairTax and you'd have to study the receipt to see what part of the sale is being collected in terms of the FairTax.

5. Foreign tourists DO pay taxes right now. Everything they purchase while in the US includes taxes in one form or another. They are consumers. They aren't going to spend any more just because we have a FairTax and they aren't earning an income here now, so isn't this a zero-sum game?

6. Need to be more clear about how the FairTax leads to increasing Government revenues. People keeping 100% of their income means spending power increases. Increased spending means increased consumption which, with a consumption tax, leads to increasing revenues. Rep.Broun dumbed this down so much, it sounded like he was saying revenues would flow back into the Treasury because folks keep 100% of their earnings. To anyone hearing about the FairTax for the first time, and has half a brain, this would make NO sense.

7. Some great talking points: "Privilege of Anonymity" - no one needs to know how much you make, especially the Government. "Taxing Capital and Labor adds to the cost of Capital and Labor but Taxing Consumption increases Capital and Labor". "$400B in tax code compliance costs every year removed from the economy; that's stimulus EVERY YEAR!" "$13T in USD-denominated foreign holdings can all come home".

I hope we can get all pro-FairTax reps to improve their delivery. Maybe they can take some tips from Prez Teleprompter, I mean Obama.

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Comment by Sean Fagan on March 21, 2009 at 2:52pm

Let me begin by saying that the House chamber is usually almost empty most of time. Only when there is a roll-call vote being taken will you find the House buzzing with activity. When a roll-call is requested, a button is pushed that alerts every representative's office - and they all scurry down to the little underground subway that connects the House and Senate office buildings with the capitol (and a lot of them will ask their aides how they are supposed to vote on their way out the door). What you saw was "business as usual".

Now about your points:
#1 - I agree, I didn't hear anything about the prebate either
#2 - agreed
#3 - I like the bumper sticker
#4 - I agree with you that the "Skittles" thing was weird. I believe that was delivered by my own Congressman, John Mica. Watching his speech, I got a feeling he wasn't well prepared for the event.
#5 - A very interesting point and a great question. My wife owns a small retail shop in St. Augustine and we get a lot of foreign tourists. When a foreign tourist buys something in her store, they pay a 6% Florida sales tax. Now, we're just a small "mom & pop" kind of business and our prices do not really include the 23% imbedded taxes (because we just didn't think about it). However, if the Fair Tax is approved, we could and would still roll back our prices - maybe not the full 23%, but pretty close to it. So now when that foreign tourist buys something in the store, they will be paying that 23% to Uncle Sam. St. Augustine is full of small businesses like ours - the end result is not a "zero-sum" game.
#6 - agreed
#7 - Very well said.

Finally, I have to agree with Shannon and Doug - being a representative is not as easy as one might think; there are so many issues to keep track of and so many events to attend, not to mention they still have to find time to campaign and raise funds. Yes, there is room for improvement - but like Shannon said, it was their first time. Overall, I'd say they did a rather fair job. And Doug is right too, they are trying their best to help and we need to support them. I am thrilled that the event even happened in the first place.
Comment by Doug Wakefield on March 21, 2009 at 1:21pm

I agree with every thing you said, but shannon is right. You need to cut these people some slack, they are trying their best to help out this cause, and we need to support them, not imply they are fighting a losing battle, we all hope that is not the case!

Yes the empty floor was disappointing, too bad the One didn't have time to sit in, instead of preparing for Leno. Maybe we could take up a collection and send him some reading material IE the FairTax book, he says the issue needs more study.

Comment by shannon castleman on March 19, 2009 at 2:56pm

I think you need to go a little easy on them. It was the first time. If I remember correctly, Steve King said he was going to do more in the future. I am sure they will get more in. They only had an hour.

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