Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Marilyn Rickert's Comments

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At 3:11pm on April 13, 2016, Steven said…




Two items: 

  1. what type of hours are you looking for each person to be at booth?
  2. People who are working in a booth get a discount on attendance charge --  will that work for the people you want here?


Steve Sass

Former Mid Atlantic Director, FairTax

At 7:17am on November 3, 2014, Patricia Korbar said…

ok - thanks

At 9:39am on July 8, 2012, Peter J Williams said…

Nine years ago I became a formal and candid 1st Amendment Petitioner For Redress Before Tax.  My formal notification consisted of four Interrogatories sent to the irs Commissioner and the ssa Commissioner.  I asked a series of questions and because I approached a governmental agency/entity their responses were obligatory under the Administrative Procedures Act found at 5 USC 556(d).  Suffice it to say that both individuals were 'deafeningly silent' and this ultimately placed them in Default and Dishonor and constituted an Admission that my position was legally accurate and substantiated under enacted federal statutes, precedent law, USSC decisions, the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), i.e. any and all language and citings relative to my position and sovereign protection.  So...I have known about the Fair Tax since Day 1 when John Linder (R-GA) first introduced the bill. I just took the whole legislative effort one gigantic step further through my own advocacy and education.  More to tell...

At 9:15pm on April 30, 2012, Warren Douglas Gentry said…

sorry.  i figured it out.

At 11:42am on April 30, 2012, Gregory Koch said…


Right now I am too busy working as the campus coordinator for Gary Johnson to do anything with FairTax on campus. But in November, after the election, I'll consider it. And I'll definitely talk about the FairTax with GJ. 

At 6:28pm on March 25, 2012, Jim Bennett said…

Thanks, Marilyn.

John Burchill and I are on the pin-map in New Jersey. We'll do our best to get more. Are you planning a visit to Graceland when you are in Memphis?


At 12:24pm on March 25, 2012, brireward@yahoo.colm said…

Herman's plan had both the Fair Tax and the Flat Tax.  I don't like the Fair Tax because it still leaves the horrible IRS in place.  AND doesn't do enough to make the illegal (and immoral) businesses pay income taxes. 

At 12:21pm on March 25, 2012, brireward@yahoo.colm said…

I will do as much as I can.  I can PRAY!!  That's the most and I hope eveyone will do more of that too.  Prayer is our ONLY weapon to counter what is happening to us in America right now!

I'm elderly but can email everyone I know (I have lots of addresses).  I need to study on all the details of the tax so I can be more accurate. 

I am going to email Santorum and ask that he start pushing it.  I hope the group will endorse him if he does. 

Santorum is the only candidate who is completely honest, streadfast, not a flip flopper, moral , intelligent , and experienced having been in the House, Senate and on the Armed Services Commission dealing with foreign nations. There are a lot of attack ads against him telling half truths paid for by Soros and benefitting Paul (Paul is for a weaker military and an isolationist, not ready to defend our nation =so the communist Soros likes that.  However this is called money laundering because it really benefits Romney also and I am sure planned that way.  He says he cannot do anything about these ads but as Newt says "You can tell them to stop"!

Romney is such a liar, and ha  the exact plan  in Mass that Obama is now copying. The healthcare, no conscience clause for religious belief, definite mandate and he gave ILLEGAL permits to gays to be married. He is on the fence about cloning and stem cell research on embryos which is NOT  prolife!  He said in a debate he ruled ultra liberal in Mass "to please my constituents".  So  he is saying he lied to them to be elected gov. and to gov. Once a liar, always a liar---and so I believe he is lieing to us now. He will deny all this but he has proven to be a liar.  He is NOT  a republican nor a conservative.  Once gays can be married -would he then give Mormons the right to  practise polygamy?  Some are doing it now (as muslims do) hiding families in different cities to avoid the law.  They are NOT christians as some think they are. 

Many are led astray by him but they are only  "useful idiots". 


At 4:28pm on March 22, 2012, John Lofgren said…

OK Marylin.   we need to get this on romney's agenda.    this should be a republican priority. 

At 8:19am on December 8, 2011, Larry Wood said…


Thank you for your reply.  Please keep me in the loop.

I am really curious if Herman is open to the idea of us using his movie.

I was a contributor to his campaign and I like the man a lot.

It would be nice to have him help us transition people from 999 to the FairTax.

At 12:44pm on December 7, 2011, Larry Wood said…

What if we were to ask Herman Cain for the rights to modify his 999 movie?  His 999 movie has a lot of good talking points in it for a television ad.  It would make a great television ad if it was modified for the "Fair Tax" and shortened to 60 or even 30 seconds.



At 1:28pm on July 25, 2011, Torm Howse said…
looking forward. updates done per your request.
At 11:54pm on July 24, 2011, Torm Howse said…
Oh, you know it, Marilyn.  Indeed, what you guys are doing is one of the legal plans' seven categories of claims against Congress, i.e., the 4th one - failing to overhaul the IRS with a much-better taxation system.  I'm gonna send you a pm with more.
At 9:48pm on July 18, 2011, chiefcook said…

























Our DD had not heard a response from Mark Gupton as of 1:00 PM today to his request.  I have told them I would coordinate the booth if they wanted.


What would be the chances of getting the booth backdrop from AFFT or FTN whoever owns it?  You know the one that was used in DC at CPAC.





At 1:21pm on April 25, 2011, Janet Reid said…

We are lobbying over in Olympia next month... Chicago is next on our list.   Mighty you recommend a lawyer for a few document filings?    Janet

At 6:43am on April 20, 2011, Chris J. Breisch said…
Thanks, Marilyn. Might be a few days before I get going and get my profile updated. But I'll be participating as I can.
At 10:43am on March 24, 2011, Don Wallace said…
Thanks Marilyn, all over it
At 5:23am on February 23, 2011, Cal Waldhart said…
Thanks for the welcome, Marilyn.
At 5:53pm on February 1, 2011, Adakin Valorem said…

Hi Ms Rickert,

Another thank you for the welcome to this site.  I've read you’re numerous articles and blog comments over the past couple years.  Glad to make your acquaintance...  I think we may have bumped into each other in cyberspace over our favorite topic as I frequently joust with the anti-FT folks.

(example:  http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/author/adakinvalorem/ )

 I’m always open to pointers on how to be more convincing in my attempts to lead these minds to the big picture.  If you have any critiques or comments regarding my cyber-rants, please feel free to jump in and correct me.

Thanks for all that you do,

Adakin Valorem

At 8:57pm on January 17, 2011, Guy R. Smith said…
Thank you for the welcome Marilyn. I have assumed the position of NC 10th Congressional District Director with NC FairTax. I have been involved with FairTax education for the last 18 months or so and don't know how I've missed this sight.

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