Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Marilyn Rickert's Comments

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At 1:33pm on April 17, 2009, John B Sage said…
Marilyn, thanks for e-mailing me back. I have been buying books and passing them to people in the area, went to fair tax web and copyed the thumb nail print and have been pasting them out and selling to people I have meet. I would like to get more materials or help to become a spoke person for this area. I know the books help sale and explain the benfits answer the critics.
At 9:14am on April 15, 2009, Sue Robinson said…
Thank you, Marilyn, for the welcome to the group. Is there anything going on for the FairTax in Orlando today? I couldn't make it to Jacksonville for the rally.
At 9:36pm on April 14, 2009, Mary Alice Rose said…
Looks like we have a lot of work to do here in NM!!!
At 8:25pm on April 13, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Thank you! Should I have an ID badge made? Let me know if there's anything else I should do.
At 1:48pm on April 13, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Great! My email address is n.gatchel@verizon.net - thank you! I really need those tri folds and any other fliers I can get my grubby little mitts on!
At 10:04am on April 13, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Is there any way the tri folds available on the main page of FTN could be provided in PDF format? I can't copy them off because I don't have the software. I so want to use this tool in getting the word out! Frankly, I can't afford the software needed for the present formats.
At 1:15pm on April 10, 2009, Al said…
thanks, I'll do what I can. I've bought both fair tax books read and passed them on. I push it and drill here drill now every chance I get.
At 5:08pm on April 9, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Looking for a speaker for Columbus Tax Day Tea Party. Event starts @ 6 pm and ends at 7:30 and takes place on the State House lawn. Tea party organizer has extended this invititation. He's a Fair Tax supporter. My phone # 740-386-5313. This is a perfect venue. Sorry such short notice. I just got the invitation today.
At 9:45am on April 9, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Marylin, could you let me know when you receive my Vol. Com. Coordinator agreement? Sent it by mail. Thanx.
At 8:34pm on April 8, 2009, Brian K. Banks said…
Thanks for the welcome and the nice words. This is a great forum. Let’s make April 15th just another day!
At 1:57pm on April 8, 2009, Arnold Diehl said…
I for one would like the rally right like in the worst economic state in the union, Michigan and help us to become the National FairTax poster child.
At 4:18pm on April 7, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Thanx, Marilyn, I excited, too! I admit, I balked at being a coordinator because I just wanted to be a gopher. However, there's a need here in Marion and somebody's got to do it. A certain beloved Gov. always says "You be the somebody", so here I am. I'll do my absolute best. This is too serious and urgent a matter to ignore.
At 3:52pm on April 7, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Marilyn, I've signed the agreement paper to become a volunteer community coordinator. Where do I send it? I think Barb Wilson told me to send it to you. Do I just send it to Oak Forest, IL? Just need and address. Thanx!
At 10:32am on April 7, 2009, Gail B. McKee said…
Thanks, I've been an active FairTax supporter for some time and have been helping my husband, Ray, and the Huntsville group for a couple of years now. It is too important to ignore!
At 7:55pm on April 6, 2009, chiefcook said…
Please reset chat.
At 6:56pm on April 4, 2009, Nancy L. Gatchel said…
Hi, Marilyn

Was wondering where I can donate to support Fair Tax here in Ohio. Loved the picture of the new billboard! Also, is there anyone near Marion County that could come and show me how to start a meeting? I've got a room at the library to use and there are folks ready to come but I'm not clear on how to run/facilitate the meeting.
At 9:52am on April 3, 2009, dale twiggs said…
thank you,we had a wonderful meeting last night and are going to be meeting monthly with the goal of everyone bringing a new person, I have sent the invite out to everyone in my address book and am already getting great replies.
At 10:01pm on April 1, 2009, Harry Douglas said…
Marilyn...I am a big supporter of the Fair Tax. Anything that I can do to make the ever looming April 15th Just Another Day...I am all about it!
At 5:09pm on March 31, 2009, Jennifer Parrish said…
Thank you for the warm welcome Marilyn! I am in the middle of planning a Tax Day TEA Party for the 15th of April at 5:30pm in my home town of Martin, TN. It is an interesting endeavor and I am very excited to be a part of something so worth while!

I have never participated in anything political, and in all honesty just plain avoided it whenever possible, however the decisions that are being made by our government for the people of the United States these days are unavoidably being heard by even those like me who try to shy away from such things...

This is why I took on this position... My children are now going to have an opportunity to see what it is like to be an American citizen from a new perspective! I cannot avoid the inevitable any longer... And with so many Americans like myself out there, I intend to send a clear message that EVERYONE can and MUST participate if we are to have our government ever working as it was intended again!

Looking forward to achieving our common goals!
Jennifer Parrish
At 2:47pm on March 30, 2009, rob reinhard said…
need volunteers for the Columbia rally April 15th?

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