Fair Tax @ CPAC in 31seconds....videoFair Tax @ CPAC in 31seconds....1 LikeFairTax Mentioned by WA State Cadidate in th…For the First time there is an ONLINE Primary Voters, voter guide...
<a href="https://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/Pages/OnlineVotersGuide.aspx">https://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/Pages/OnlineVotersGuide.aspx</a>
If you would like to share with others WHY you are going or wo…DiscussionFairTax Mentioned by WA State Cadidate in th…1 LikeFairTaxersOkay...it has been a HUGE blessing to have a group of people all over the US uniting to take back America (Tea Parties), LOUD AGAINST the spending, LOUD AGAINST the bailouts, LOUD AGAINST Obamacare &…DiscussionFairTaxers1 Like
September 2011
Virginia VA FairTaxGroupVirginia VA FairTax4 Likes