Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

James Simpson of American Thinker recently interviewed retired Army Colonel and Republican candidate Allen West. One of the topics discussed was an alternative federal tax. The interviewer, James Simpson and West  briefly discuss The Fair Tax. Colonel West does not understand The Fair Tax as you can read from his comments and Simpson misrepresents The Fair Tax.. Is it possible for Fair Tax supporters in Florida to brief the Colonel on The Fair Tax? He clearly has not thoroughly read the bill. The article is below.


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I believe that anyone who contends that the 16th amendment MUST be repealed in order to implement the FAIRTAX is providing an argument that most non FAIRTAX opponents will never support. I believe that it is a false argument and that the FAIRTAX has many more compelling arguments than the repeal of the 16th amendment.

In addition, it is not realistic. It would take decades to accomplish it. Many states have income taxes and they would be forced to change their taxing structures.

The FAIRTAX should be able to make a case on its own merits as a better system than our current system. The repeal of the 16th amendment as a precursor or a postcursor is a red herring.

I have done computer systems for 30 years. Change is difficult. Here we are changing a system for 300 million people. The position of let us get rid of what is working before we try something that is unproven, I would never implement a new system under that circumstance. We always try to allow a way to go backward if at all possible.


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