Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Now is the moment when America needs the FairTax more than ever

From the fairtax.org website:

Now is the moment when America needs the FairTax more than ever

Help us get the word out to our fellow citizens, policy makers, and elected officials.

Now while newspapers are struggling, full-page ads are on sale. This is an opportunity for the FairTax campaign.

Please help us fund this full-page ad in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City at this critical time for our economy. Click on the link below:

amp;1922.donation=form1"> https://secure2.convio.net/afft/site/Donation2?df_id=1922&1922....

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If we go there and give does it go specifically for those ads to be placed or to the general fairtax.org fund? How much do they need and will someone give us progress reports? Those are the kind of things we need feedback on from Houston. Can we get it?

Dave Sibole

Since the link takes you directly to the page concerning the ads I can only reasonably assume it goes specifically for the ads. I don't know the total amount needed as I only read what is provided at the website and posted the link here. I suggest you contact Aaron Schutte at 1-800-FAIRTAX for any further questions.

Dan Hunt
This is part of the FairTax.org's campaign to get support... you'll now be able to choose where your money will go. It's up to us to make this happen. I have no doubt all monies received will be put to good use, and media print is a VERY GOOD USE! Just do it!


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