Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

Hello, Well it looks like one is being organized for the 5 cities/towns where I live and would be VERY grateful for input on how you handled this. I know the one here is 4 groups joining as one and it sounds as if they are leaning toward "pro-test" which is what I've read via DD e-mails we are trying to STAND OUT but not be "pro-test" minded.

Please share what you did, how you did it and any Do's and Don'ts. YEEKS....excited, but at the same time want to have the be absolutely POSTITIVE for the FairTax movement. While I'm excited the TeaParties are giving us a platform...it would be SOOOO much clearer if they were Tax Day Solution Party, but considering the majority of Americans don't even KNOW the bill exists and too many that do aren't EDUCATED about it...

SO...thank you in advance as I look toward the local Tax Day Tea Party!! (Should I or Shouldn't I show up in my jail dress with ball & chain?)

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We have a similar situation coming up on 15 April. I would encourage you to use the events to pitch the FairTax as the solution to their problems. Since you're likely to have a wide range of causes in the various groups, stick with the issue that is currently unifying them.... the income tax system. Put forth the FairTax as the answer to the income tax problems, income tax inequities, Congressional abuse of the income tax, income tax funding shortfalls, etc.

The important thing is that people learn about the FairTax, and become sufficiently motivated to vote their interest in the next election. If we replace enough politicians with FairTax supporters, the rest will get the message!!!

At the Orlando TEA Party which was not organized by the group(s) doing the national gig, we communicated with the organizers and was given an OKay to have a FairTax table.
It worked out great for us. We set up a 10' x 10' canopy, draped a FairTax banner across the front of a table and had a FairTax Nation banner across one side of the canopy until the winds came in and lifted the entire canopy off the groung & flipping it. After resetting everything we didn't leave the FTN banner down due to the additional lift it gave from the wind.
We started out with 350 8.5" x 11" card stock with four postcards addressed to our US Senators, US congress person and Rep. Rangel on each page. Each new supporter put their return mail address on the four post cards, signed and put their email address on the other side. In about three hours we ran out of the 350 sheets and started using the standard Tri-Folds, collecting them rather than letting them get mailed to Houston. Name/address/email info from the Tri-Folds are entered onto a spreadsheet we use that can be uploaded into the AFFT Convio database.
After running out of Tri-Folds we used small pads that someone in the area made up to collect more supporter names.
Bottom line, it was a very productive event.
If you have the supporter, have someone at the back of the area supplying forms and pens to those at the table up front. That same person can also received the signed documents and place them in whatever you use to hold them secure from the winds, etc.
There were several volunteers with the colonial dress described by Linda but most of us just had FairTax Tee shirts, some caps or put bumper stickers on the front of whatever they were wearing.
Name badges are a good thing to have also. People like to know who they are talking to and "FairTax" and the fairtax.org web site is a prominent part of the name badge. The persons name is as large as the FairTax name. If I can learn how to do it I'll upload a copy of the template for the name badge.
Any questions, write back here or email me directly at repeal_16@earthink.net.

Re your concern about us being a protest group. Some see it otherwise but we are a protest group with a real solution and 51 cosponsors.
If you think about it, protestors get the media coverage which shows others that we exist. The meek are overlooked. Suit yourself as to how you present yourself but I think if we are cheerful, pleasant, NOT obnoxious, we will be in good stead and the people will join us in greater numbers.


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