Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

FairTax will be part of it's platform along with term limits.

What do you folks think of this?

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You need to factor in The Fair Tax is endorsed by the National Taxpayers Union and the National Small Business Association. That boosts the total considerably higher than the count at FTN.
Still no where near 5 million. Are your claims of the benefits of the fair tax as inflated as your claims of the size of this movement?
There is no way to count the number of supporters without some major speculation. I do not know where the '5 million' number comes from here but I would say that there are more than a million.

This site does not tally up all the people who support fairtax.

FairTax.org took in some 50,000 new names in April and we helped gather some of those names.
That was me w/ the 5million. Mr. Hoagland commented on another pg we need that many more recruits.

Then one of the boys thought the other boy thought...but it was nothing.
My intent here is not to disparage the group and if it sounded that way I am sorry. But I do think we owe it to ourselves to be realistic in where we stand. I have been a Libertarian activist for a long time and this is a common problem in this type of group. When we inflate our size we create unrealistic expectations. People think it will happen overnight and then get discouraged when it does not.
I am glad you clarified this, I saw your comment within 1 hour of when you posted it. I had read some of your comments and thought you were here just to nit pick and decided to not even waste my time with an answer. Notice I said "IF" we had 5mil. My point was the power of multiplying numbers 5 times 10 equal 50 plus the 5 equal 55. Somehow we must educate the public, the media is not doing it, the politicians are not doing it and are not going to. The FAIRTAX will not happen until the majority of citizens learn about it and force our government to enact it. If we could get all Fairtax supporters wherever they are to educate 10 people then weve got 11 times more than we have now.
Though active volunteers can possibly be counted, there are so many folks that want the FairTax that we can't account for. When I go to Columbus, OH, I run into them all over the place.
I give up on the counted and the active. Had 10+ orgs who purport to support FairTax. But supporting and responding is 2 diff things.

If Mr. Hoagland says we need 5million more, I'm just taking his word for it.
he actaully did not say that....he said we NEED (more than) 5 million.
I think the Libertarian Party would be the closest one to adopting the FairTax to its platform.
I read somewhere that Libertarians are split 50/50 on the issue.
I have to say that I've had to undo some of the damage that Glenn Beck has created with a flat tax. Though Beck has many fine ideas and principles, this is one area that he needs to research a bit further.

I ran into one of these guys at John Kasich's formal announcement event. It was a great opportunity for me to explain a bit about the history of our present tax code, and a bit about VAT. I'm pretty sure he'll be one to go to fairtax.org and hopefully, here. I know he'll rethink flat tax. Geez, which version of the flat tax would you go with? There are several that have been proposed, and no research to back any of 'em up. Too much play in that game.
Very encouraging fellas, thanks. If in the next day/so I might try to figure how many FairTaxers we got. Hopefully somebody else will answer 1st.

I'm agreeing w/ the young man on the other pg., we've been up & down these parties & haven't seen a thing. Need to concentrate on normal people.

I'd love to see the Libertarians take this on, but they were divided just this past month (in GA & National-type dude) . Do you know anyone in particular?


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