Fair Tax Nation

Replace All Federal Taxes on Income with the Fair Tax Act , HR 25

A new website, www.billybarepockets.com has been launched. The website is dedicated to helping conservative candidates (not just republican) get elected. One issue that Billy specifically focuses on is the candidate's thoughts on taxation, particularly if they will support the Fair Tax initiative.

Please take a moment to visit the site and show your support for what these folks are trying to do for all of us.

You can also look forward to hearing Billy on Nation wide radio networks very soon talking about the very issues that are important to all of us.

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I have the Fair Tax promoted on my Facebook page, and on one other networking site. All people who read my profiles see the Fair Tax displayed in large letters with the web site. The facebook page it also is one of my "Causes" Good luck with your site!
Thanks Gary. If you know of any candidates wanting positive exposure, please pass their information on to me. We'll promote them, especially if they are Fairtax supporters.

Have a blessed day,
Melody Scalley, for Va. Delegate, 100th district. The Fair Tax book by Neal Boortz also appears as one of her favorites on her facebook page.
Thank you Gary. We'll try to contact her.
I have sent Melody an E-mail fromher website. I hope we hear back from her soon. I'll try to keep you informed of progress, but you can keep checking our website to see if she completed the questionaire.

Thanks again for your help nin getting good people elected to key positions.
Melody Scalley completed the questionaire. Her answers are posted on the candidate page at www.billybarepockets.com. She is also the highlited "Gold Star" candidate partly because I was asked to speak at the rally she is part of on Wednesday July 22nd.
As a republican or democrat that wants fiscal reform, we remain bi-partisan for bringing aboard new candidates. To bring in those who truly want to downsize government with focus on taxes... instead of Blue or Red, Dogs or whatever... why not just "FairTax Dogs" to show our focus??? As a FairTax Dog... when the FairTax passes, I will be right there to see that our economy grows and Income Taxation is abolished for good. No hidden taxes is our best motto.
What would you classify Ronald Reagan as? I relate his ideals and actions as what I consider a true conservative. If anyone else has another label better than that, I'd love to hear it.

If I may be so bold as to offer my own humble opinion - I think there is a better label for the "Gipper". When I stop to consider all I know about Ronald Regan and his values, beliefs and philosophy - the term "perfect conservative" comes to mind; heck, I'd even be willing to go so far as to say he was the "ultimate conservative".

Having said that - I kind of like James' suggestion of "FairTax Dogs". When it comes to the FairTax, it is the only label we should have. Although, I think I would like to slightly change the motto to "No more hidden taxes".

My 2 cents.
Thank you for your thoughts Sean. One thing we need to keep in mind is that our efforts at www.billybarepockets.com is to help good people get elected to key positions of all levels of government.

Eventhough Fairtax is a significant part of our criteria, we consider social issues very heavily when deciding to promote or endorse any candidate. Since we weigh all these issues when culling candidates, we can't label our efforts "The Fair Tax Dogs" any more than we could call them the "Traditional Marriage Dogs" or the "Kill Abortion Dogs".

As important as Fairtax is, when you consider that over 48 million people have been murdered through abortions, the importance of any other one single cause may not be the most important in the scheme of things. Imagine if those 48 million potential voters were here today to help us support the Fairtax initiative. We'd have it passed already.

Thank you for your thoughts, but please remember that there are other pressing issues in our Nation today jusrt as important as the one we discuss here.

I think we have a slight misunderstanding...

First, I'd like to say how much I appreciate your comments here at FairTax Nation and your efforts at www.billybarepockets.com.

However, I think the one thing you need to keep in mind is that the purpose of this forum is to promote the FairTax and as such, no other "dogs" are allowed. We try very hard to maintain a non-partisan stance and that is why I responded to James in the manner I did - I thought his suggestion of "FairTax Dogs" was an excellent idea to strip off all of those other labels of liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and yes, even Constitutionalists. I honestly believed his comment was directed to the members here at FTN and was not trying to address any of the other social issues that you mentioned above. The first part of my reply was in response to your question, the second part of my reply was intended for FTN members and was not meant to cross-over into what you are doing at billybarepockets.

Again, I praise your efforts, and by all means feel free to "mine" for candidates here, but please remember that the FairTax is the issue we discuss here and not the "other pressing issues". We are, by our very nature, a single issue site.

Each of us who want a candidate to walk with our "Nation" must
trust our new mascot... The Fair Tax Dog. Of course the Fair Tax
Dog loves every American regardless of their moral or ethical
desires. The FairTax Dog is loyal to those who earn and to their
bosses who write our paychecks, not to Uncle Sam.
The FairTax Dog has been born... to replace the IRS Dog...
of course we want new candidates from both parties to have
an economy that each of us can appreciate and help grow.
We want more than a fair tax... we want The Fair Tax, HR 25...!!!

I support The Fair Tax Dog as it will help young Americans learn
about fiscally conservatism that is needed so badly.

I drew a picture of FT Dog... it is at Da Blues Group, for all
FairTax Nation members to leave a comment.

In my neighborhood, I think Marco Rubio would support
The Fair Tax Dog.... and everybody, lighten up a bit.

Vote only for those who include the FT Dog concept in
their speeches and the light hearted talking points
that FT Dog lleaves with us here at FTN.


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